PEAX Equipment

Spot Hogg Hogg Father


New member
Jun 1, 2016
Do any of you guys use the Spot Hogg Hogg Father sight. I was out today setting mine up, single pin. I followed the directions to a T.

I first zeroed in the sight at 20 yards. Was shooting perfect groups on the bullseye. So then I attach the calibration tape, making sure the yardage pin was exactly on the 20 marker. I then moved back to 60 yards. I made my adjustments and again I was shooting perfect groups at 60 yards.

Now I am supposed to look at my calibration tape and see what letter the pin was on. Unfortunately the pin was actually below the letters so I have no clue what sight tape to put on it.

Is it possible the sight tapes and calibration tapes do not work for everyone. Are they generic and supposed to work with the majority. I'm trying to figure out if my setup just doesn't correlate with what spot Hogg provides.

Needless to say this is pretty annoying.
Any suggestions?
Here are a couple options for you:

I've used the same sight for several years now. Never tried the included sight tapes, not sure mine even came with them, but have always generated my own using Pinwheel Software SFA / Ontarget2. Lots of variables to put in - but very customizable.

Or, just make your own. Take very detailed notes what "number & clicks" corresponds to your different yardages (e.g. 20 yds = 1+6, 30 yards = 4+4, etc). Do this for all your pins. Put an adhesive white label on the dial and make marks/labels at all of your yardages. When done, put a clear piece of packing tape over the label.

Another option - you can make your own "Calibration Tape". Take a white piece of paper cut to fit on the dial. Put a tiny piece of tape on each end and affix to the dial. Using your yardage marks similar to the previous option - make marks on the paper corresponding to different yardages. Pull your calibration tape off and compare to pre-printed tapes from Spott Hogg. Then, you can affix the pre-printed tape that matches your setup.

Also - most people advise not using 20 yards for calibration. Better to use 30/40 and 60 because it's too easy to be off a little at 20 and not notice.

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