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Speedy tall kid

Congrats to your son! We have a pile of kids and almost all of them play sports. IMO, track is the most fun to actually watch. I love baseball and football, but track is cool to sit and watch. Well, now the boy is going to be on a fishing team, so I may have to attend practice. Like every one of them. :D
He's running in a meet in Pocatello Saturday and he's doing the 60 and 200. He's in the fast heat and will be in the lane next to This guy. :oops:
10.4? That guy is quick. He'll have is work cut out for him.
I had to go back and look at my times from College, you son is faster in the 60, my best was 7.08. It was super disappoint to go back and look at the Top 10 lists and realize I've already been kicked off most of them in the last decade.
10.4? That guy is quick. He'll have is work cut out for him.
I had to go back and look at my times from College, you son is faster in the 60, my best was 7.08. It was super disappoint to go back and look at the Top 10 lists and realize I've already been kicked off most of them in the last decade.
sounds like you were no slow poke..
my weekends are taken up by 5th grade boys basketball tourneys. It is hard to describe the thrill you get when your kids do something well on the athletic field. But I know this, it is a great feeling! Congrats and please continue to post about him, I love these threads about kids achieving great things!
Kid did good this winter for his first time running indoor track. He never did cut any time off his 60 and struggled with the tight corners on those little tracks in the longer races. He did place and score points for his team a few times. He's more excited for the outdoor season. It wouldn't be fair to not brag about my other kid too. She's a straight A student in her HS, and I noticed this little section on the bottom of her last report card. Extra proud of her..
Good for them. Raising functional young adults is not an easy task, and not one I’m completely confident I’ve achieved fully.
Gotta like it when the kids do well growing up. Raising a boy and girl of my own that are doing very well makes me proud also. I like to say the adults my kids have become redeems me from my own misspent youth. Good stuff Kurt. mtmuley
Gotta like it when the kids do well growing up. Raising a boy and girl of my own that are doing very well makes me proud also. I like to say the adults my kids have become redeems me from my own misspent youth. Good stuff Kurt. mtmuley
Glad my daughter is following in the steps of her mom when it comes to high achievement.
She speculates where she gets her warped sense of humor.
Just looked at the video, he just eats up the track, a natural athlete, difficult decisions ahead, what distance to concentrate on?
What does he prefer, looks like a 400m runner to me, maybe 800, as @bobbydean says but I'm sure he will excel in either.
How many times a week does he train?
Does he have a coach?
This thread really interests me and I look forward to you keeping us posted on his progression, great job.

I hope he has more dedication than I did, I started running at 14, when I got to 18 my 800m times started to drop dramatically compared to the previous years, then disaster, within a few months it was all over, on my 18th birthday party I met who at the time I thought was the love of my life (she wasn't :LOL: ) but running is still in me even at my age.


Your kids should be congratulated on their hard work, determination, and success. Well Done
Super!! So much fun seeing one's children work hard and succeed. Well done by the both of you!

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