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Spectacular Trip and an OOPS!

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
My good friend Mike Hodges, along with his friend also named Mike, and myself floated the Missouri over the weekend. Man, we had a great trip. Fishing there just never gets old despite the hundreds of guides, dudes, and fly swatting drift boats. While we don't enjoy seeing the hordes of people, we make our own fun and let the fish keep us distracted.

Here is one of the first fish of the day and I think the best rainbow I landed that day.

Me doing my thing and right in the middle of my Happy Place!

Mike's friend Mike had the magic touch for browns on the float. He caught more browns than the other two of us combined.

Mike Hodges wasn't to be outdone and landed some very nice fish of his own.

About an hour into the trip I was attempted to release a nice rainbow I had caught when he pitched a fit and the hook came loose unexpectedly. The lure came shooting back at my hand like at arrow and the treble hook buried itself in the tip of my left index finger. Hurt like a son of a gun. Pert near cussed. Anyway it took me a while but I was able to remove the hook from the lure, clip the other two barbs off, and then stabilize the hook with a Band-Aid so it wouldn't flop around or catch on anything. It was early in the trip and I didn't want everyone to have to cut their trip short on my account so we went right back to fishing. I fished for 5 more hours with that hook in my finger.

The fishing was great and I had no regrets. Heck we even did a second float and picked up few more fish. Here's one from the second float of the day. The two Mike's kicked my butt for the size on browns. I thought mine were still decent though, plus I caught more fish than both of them combined, so that has to count for something. Did it with a hook in my finger no less, so Mike H verbally awarded me a Man Card for the day for toughing it out. :)

My favorite photo of the day is this one. This happened right at the end of our trip. Both Mike's hooked into great fish and we got a double landed in the boat. After that we wrapped up the day and headed back into Great Falls. The two Mike's went their way and I went to the hospital. Having the doctor remove the hook hurt way worse than the initial injury, but it's all good now and I hope to be back on the water this week. Lesson learned here, pinch all your barbs! I do it on a lot of lures , but this was a new lure and I had forgotten to pinch them. Had I done so, the hook extraction would have been simple and relatively painless. Learn from my mistake and save yourself a spendy trip to the doctor.
Those are stunning brown trout, beautiful colours.

Sorry to disappoint you, i am a fly fishing guide, but don't worry, not in the US, but i can relate to that, i bought a job lot of size 16 barbed hooks years ago, i just arrived at the river last year, father and his 11 year old son, i tied on a fly to the 11 year old line, got my pliers, the kid cast, result was barbed hook in my thumb, i did the same as you for the next 6 hours, with plaster in place.
Quick (free) visit to the minor injuries, but wow the injection to numb was 10x more painful than the hook!


Devon deer, man I hear you! When the Doc shoved that needle in the end of my finger right next to the hook, I thought my eyes would never uncross. It hurt MUCH WORSE than the hook!!!
Nice trip!
You know I read it twice and must have missed the "OOPS" part?

Than I got it.

The oops was all the slimy trout right ?

It's amazing how many fish can thrive in that part of the river.

Even by accident did you get any white fish or walleye?

Man those fish have some beautiful color to them. Congrats on an awesome trip and being a tough dude!
Looks like a great day on the river. There are some VERY big walleye in that stretch, but not a lot of them.
I think a lot of it is just probability. Lots more trout than walleyes.
Google "remove hook from hand". There is a way to back a barbed hook out by tying to the bend and pulling out while pushing down on the eye. I've heard great reviews of the technique but I pinch my barbs so I've never had to use it.
good day of fishin, but sorry about the bad luck. When i was a kid i was fishing by myself and set the hook a little to hard. Crank bait came out of the water and found itself buried in the back of my neck. Im thinking this really sucks since i was alone and had walked about a mile and ahalf to the fishing hole. Being the tough (stupid ) kid that i was i grabbed a hold and started pulling until it came out. Didnt even get to land a fish that day.
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