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Southern Arizona Mountain Lion


New member
Dec 13, 2019
One of my hunting buddies was telling me a story of a family he was friends with that had some ranch land in southern AZ. He said they had a Native American ranch hand that was awesome at tracking and he tracked and killed 20 Mountain Lions over his time working there. With AZ having open season on Lion year around, I am itching to get after one. How have you had success with Lion? I imagine the best way is to find and good area and use a predator call, but that's my guess. Anyone have any advice, or better yet, land in AZ that wants someone to come to take a Lion away from your herd! HAH!
Tie a baby goat to a stake and watch it from 200 yds away. Jk, vast majority of lions in AZ are taken by chance. Hunters run into them while hunting other animals. Calling them is another option, but lions are no dummies
I had a buddy in Az that glassed up a big lion while hunting Coues deer. He broke out the varmint call and ended up killing him. Cats are not like coyotes, in that they will not come as far to a call. If the cat in the general vicinity, they will come in. Just make sure that your back is covered by a tree, or something. A game warden that I used to know in NM called and killed several over his lifetime. If the cats are there, they will come-and Arizona has them virtually everywhere.
Every year someone asks about hunting cats without using dogs. I have yet to see pics of ANY taken when specifically hunting lions without dogs.
Every year someone asks about hunting cats without using dogs. I have yet to see pics of ANY taken when specifically hunting lions without dogs.
If it would effn snow here I'd try it.......
Every year someone asks about hunting cats without using dogs. I have yet to see pics of ANY taken when specifically hunting lions without dogs.

Can't forget this one!
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