Caribou Gear

Soooooo close!!


Active member
Aug 11, 2013
My oldest turned 12 this spring so this is his first year elk hunting MT. He will get few hunts with his busy schedule. I took him out this evening. Lots of sign, zero talk from the elk. We walked in 1.5 miles & sat for awhile. About 6:30 I told him get ready I was going to call. I told him where the elk was likely to come if one did. “Got it dad”. “You sure”. “Yup”. I gave a few calls and could hear one coming at full speed. I told him to draw, he froze. A yearling stopped broadside at 20 yds...for a minute...and walked off. He turns to me shaking almost in tears. I said draw, gave one call & it spun around & stopped broadside at 20 yds again. He had drawn, and took the shot. He missed low, she trotted off. He was shaking like a leaf. This time when he turned he had a huge smile. “Dad, that was awesome!” Apparently we’re going again next Sunday😁. I drew a sheep tag this fall so archery elk will be sparse this year. I have a feeling we’ll be bow hunting elk every available second!
Sounds like you have a hunting partner for life.:cool: Good on you Dad. Great memories ahead.
My son is seven. He is always taging along with me. I am looking forward to when his is old enough to hunt, however I also don’t want him to grow up too fast.
Enjoy it !
Time well spent with your son! Great experience for both! I remember I froze up on my first deer with archery equipment. It happens. Thanks for sharing!
That's awesome! Hunting with your kids is always a joy!
A day that will live long in both your lives! Congratulations on the first of many many adrenaline rushes.
The thrill of archery elk at 12 has to be off the charts. Way to get him out dad.
For lack of a better phrase he was just in awe. I can’t wait to take him in a couple weeks for a day when the bulls are going crazy! I’ll gladly give up a day or 2 of sheep hunting for that with him.
I can tell you from a son's perspective that the memory of his first hunt will stay with him forever. I can still remember the first hunt I went on with my dad 20 years after the fact.
It's great to hunt with your kids, that way you don't have to hunt for them. Your building life long memory's and building traditions. It doesn't get better than that.


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