Some exciting gun safety ideas..

There is a lot in that policy outline to oppose, and quite a bit to support.

If you've ever uttered the phrase "They should enforce the laws on the books now!" - Congrats, your policy prescription is in there!

If you've ever thought, it's not guns responsible for all of this suicide, it's a mental health issue! - Congrats, your policy prescription is in there!

But most of the legislative prescriptions are bad, and I hope folks join me in fighting against a new AWB, mag buy-backs, etc. Those are all window-dressing that doesn't actually change the real reason America is #1 in the developed world for gun violence.
You also said it’s just campaign rhetoric but ok. Not gonna get into an internet pissing match with you. Have a good one

Because I was discussing a specific piece of rhetoric that Gerald had pulled out of the page.

Thanks, I hope you have a good day too.
There is a lot in that policy outline to oppose, and quite a bit to support.

If you've ever uttered the phrase "They should enforce the laws on the books now!" - Congrats, your policy prescription is in there!

If you've ever thought, it's not guns responsible for all of this suicide, it's a mental health issue! - Congrats, your policy prescription is in there!

But most of the legislative prescriptions are bad, and I hope folks join me in fighting against a new AWB, mag buy-backs, etc. Those are all window-dressing that doesn't actually change the real reason America is #1 in the developed world for gun violence.
I agree with you that mental health and other reasons are the issues to focus on rather than the tools people use to hurt themselves or each other.

Something I do not see being reconciled in my lifetime is the huge disparity of values that are a major obstacle to a majority of Americans coming together to work for a better life experience for all of us.

Because power is divided between two parties and each party claims divisive issues as their trademark and people are partisan, far more energy is wasted jockeying for position than fixing issues.
Personally, I find it very difficult to be able to trust the party that ignores and furthers the biggest human rights abuse in our history, to have the best ideas of how to fix our problems. How can we even have an honest conversation about quality of life when one side (and part of the other)can’t even agree with the right to life?
I agree with you that mental health and other reasons are the issues to focus on rather than the tools people use to hurt themselves or each other.

Something I do not see being reconciled in my lifetime is the huge disparity of values that are a major obstacle to a majority of Americans coming together to work for a better life experience for all of us.

Because power is divided between two parties and each party claims divisive issues as their trademark and people are partisan, far more energy is wasted jockeying for position than fixing issues.
Personally, I find it very difficult to be able to trust the party that ignores and furthers the biggest human rights abuse in our history, to have the best ideas of how to fix our problems. How can we even have an honest conversation about quality of life when one side (and part of the other)can’t even agree with the right to life?

I think that you work on what you can, and leave the other stuff off the table for now. Bridging those divides you can actually bridge brings you closer to doing so on issues where there is much greater disagreement.

We can "whabout" until the cows come home, but that means we just continue the cycle of not getting anything done, while we wait for our side to simply move forward w/o the rest of America.
I think that you work on what you can, and leave the other stuff off the table for now. Bridging those divides you can actually bridge brings you closer to doing so on issues where there is much greater disagreement.

We can "whabout" until the cows come home, but that means we just continue the cycle of not getting anything done, while we wait for our side to simply move forward w/o the rest of America.
On one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, issues of life and death should never have to wait until everyone agrees.

The economic disparity of our country, poverty, drug abuse,abortion, and mental health crisis are symptomatic of a society whose values are out of priority with how we were created to live.

We disregard the least among us at the peril of our own posterity.
On one hand, I agree with you. On the other hand, issues of life and death should never have to wait until everyone agrees.

The economic disparity of our country, poverty, drug abuse,abortion, and mental health crisis are symptomatic of a society whose values are out of priority with how we were created to live.

We disregard the least among us at the peril of our own posterity.

If only the lord hadn't given all of us free will!

If only the lord hadn't given all of us free will!

No, that’s a really good thing.😀 But, he also gave the law of “sowing and reaping”, ie. consequences, for those choices of free will that are harmful to ourselves or others.

Justice and grace, are two more key principles our society would do well to discuss and apply as best we can.
The drug war is by far the biggest driver of both street violence and government abuses.
Not sure about the "government abuses" comment, but pretty much with you. Although the drug war isn't an easy problem to solve. If Nancy Reagan couldn't do it, it may be impossible :). The problem is that it only takes one crazy person with a gun to dominate the headlines, and we live in a world dominated by narratives rather than facts.
The drug war is an easy problem to solve. End prohibition. You are correct though, the crazy person with the gun does drive the narrative in an absurd way.

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