solar recharge units.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Anyone use these? Pros vs Cons?

I ran across one on Camofire and have seen these on a more frequent basis...



I purchased this though chatting with a co-worker and describing my one considered use ~ re-charging my phone when it croaks in the backcountry...

He mentioned this other item that Amazon has for $15.00! It is basically a portable recharging unit for a gopro/smartphone - item (2 full recharges - so it says)


So now that I sunk that impulsive almighty $$$ into the unit from Camofire, what other uses am I able to claim as productive in a techie world of back country packing/fishing/hunting, etc? The weight alone needs to be reasonable to carry for whatever use...?

Basically, I never packed hiking sticks though now I don't leave home w/o them.
I never had a water bladder pack though they beat the heck out of sloshing Nalgene bottles. Never carried a gopro though now it brings so much later enjoyment, it is worth the weight (sometimes), Used to think a spotting scope was over rated vs just a good pair of binos, though now it packs in with me (sometimes), Have a boohya bling bling bino case that I wonder why I held out so long from buying one in the first place... The list goes on and on... Oh I didn't even mention how I never had a Rino 530 hcx, OnXmaps, or my new Delorme InReach unit...

Now here I am with some 1.5 lb solar recharging unit. What does it offer to make it reasonable to pack?
I've used a GoalZero solar panel in the backcountry. The biggest issue is that they charge really slowly and ONLY when in direct sunlight. What I ended up doing was charging a battery pack rather than charging my phone while on long trips in the backcountry. It charged more quickly and could recharge my phone three times.

I'd really just invest in a good battery pack as it ended up adding another pound to my pack that could have been eliminated. Just depends on how long you're going to be out.
I would have a hard time justifying one if you aren't out for more than a week at at time. A 6000 mAh portable charger is good for 3-4 iPhone charges, is $20 on amazon and doesn't rely on direct sunlight. I don't hunt without one now.
I bought a solar monkey small unit that has a battery and solar unit for my B.C. hunt. I plan to charge my phone for picture taking and charging my camera. I haven't used it yet. I bought it at KUIU for $128.00 Rei sold them also.
I agree with the battery pack/solar charger. I too have a goal zero and would never hook anything to it like a phone or camera and try to charge it directly. Buy the biggest waterproof battery pack you want to carry and do your best to charge that knowing that if you can't you can still get a few charges for the camera or phone. You'll get less charges if you are charging a tablet.

I have my eye now on one of the battery packs with built in solar charging thinking that every little bit helps and I only have to carry one thing not the solar cells, battery pack and cables.
LevinTM Giant+ Solar Panel Charger 12000mAh about $40 on amazon is what i use. i always charge mine to 100% to start, it is very nice for the purpose. its not same as a home charge but it does refill battery pretty good. leave it in direct sun at camp during day then plug it into phone for overnight re-up. get a couple of good charges out of it then they start slowly getting less and less. good sun does really help recharge the charger but takes long sun time.

Check out Nifty little device that will charge your phone from a flame. Pretty cool as you can use with a camp stove, fire, etc. Works when the sun isn't out too. Relatively new and I've only seen it used a handful of times, so I assume there are some kinks to work out. Anyway, just another option to make your decision a little harder!
Anker 2nd gen E5 16,000 mah, two USB outlets that charge up to 3 total amps so it doesn't put out more than the device can take in. $37 on Amazon.
It actually works out pretty good. unit with the panel is capable of multiple recharge opportunities on it's own. So, for the price, not bad.

Allegedly - and of course I say this with some skepticism, the panels will charge the unit from empty to max in 10-12hours so long as it maintains direct sunlight.

John I'm going to crack a warm P-ber just for you! :) Haha! Good times! Then again, when cold is available...
Anker 2nd gen E5 16,000 mah, two USB outlets that charge up to 3 total amps so it doesn't put out more than the device can take in. $37 on Amazon.

This is essentially what I have. I think mine is 13,000 mah. It will charge a cell phone 5 times. Plenty for me to keep everything I carry charged for a full week in the back country.
I have used small solar before and it not a great as you think just buy the charger from amazon.
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