Caribou Gear Tarp

So WHAT does Kerry stand for?

"There are some that will bury thier heads in the sand until some one comes along and shoots it off, still hoping beyond hope that the world can just get along if it just were not for the evil Americans!!!"
It's pretty self explanitory and I would bet you do understand, but since it is your goal in life to discredit me

I have seen quite a bit of this world, and quite a few that help fill it. If you think any of this actually bothers me, you haven't read many of my posts in the past, this is just the internet, it is a board that only in reality a very small smidgeon of the population reads, many that frequent the board don't even come in here because of the childishness of a few of the posters. It does give me hours of entertainment seeing how far some will go to try and prove mute points. I am in this for the long haul and this is the best board I have ever come across, so I will gladly pay for the privelage to come here, even if it means putting up with the arogance of a small select few that do what they think helps to perpetuate the SI section. I will let you in on a little secret though, you can sway me with honest finds, things that I can actually check out myself, you will not change my mind on things I have personally witnessed, no matter what is said. ;)
Any one got a clue why Gunner can't seem to come up with some thing a little more enlightning!!!
Perhaps if parents were to raise their kids properly, their first taste of freedom wouldn't come at age 19.
Living where I am no living, this is no joke! Only 40% of freshmen at Utah State every earn a degree. The main reason isn't they are partying too much.

I also saw evidence of this in college. Some of my pledge brothers (yep, I'm a fraternity boy) just couldn't handle the reponsibility of having to make grades, playing sports, and doing their part for the house. Some quit one or all three. One of the only and possibly only thing positive about my parents getting divorced while I was in high school was that I had to grow up much faster. Responsibility and freedom were there in equal bunches and I'd like to think it's made me into the degenerate punk that I am! ;)
Gosh Elkchsr, it doesn't seem like 1-Ptr had any trouble finding "enlightenment" in my posts.... Maybe if you would learn to read.... Of course, that takes a school to teach that....

I would guess anybody that has spent time on a campus has seen similar. It is just funnier than Hell that Elkchsr (and to a lesser extent, Paws) would want to quit sending 18-19 year olds to college, because many can't handle the responsibility and don't have the maturity. Well, as a society, I would prefer seeing these kids fail at college courses, than getting married and start having babies, and then fail at those.

I'm surprised mandatory Abortions and Annulments aren't next in Elkchsr's Great Society.....
Do you really think your meanderings and personal attacks will change any thing, with a few comments, you jump to conclusions of limitless proportions. I must lead a very interesting life for you to spend so much time speculating on what I on my own time...LMAO!!!! You are very funny some times. I suppose every one needs a cause... I could go on and speculate about your life, but that would be to boring and I have to much on my plate right now any way. The constant attacks here do seem to hold a pattern, You didn't start until you had finally had enough of me doing the same tactics (Tack Ticks) to another on the board that you hold dear to your heart. It's not my fault that all of your hero's in the world have fallen out of power (Libs/Dems) and that you need some one to use as a whipping post. So be it, I have had better than you try the same thing, and I am still here. Only elitist Liberals find this head swelling, that is why they do it in such subtle way's on the TV news all the time. I will jump to conclusions about you now that you so openly do about me all the time about nothing except for the enjoyment of thinking yourself all powerful. After every post that you put up that you think you got some thing over on me or others on the board, you run off to be alone for a minute. I am also guessing that you are trying to make up for other
Short commings
That was easy, I live in a bunker and you live with your Short commings. I suppose we all have our own personal problems then don't we...At least I don't publicly display mine on a regular basis.... ;)

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