So Biden Asked Where's Jackie Today

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Just be glad you won't meet him at the trailhead on his way in carrying a rifle.
Brandon was referring to Jackie Chan. He knows he is going to need to work on his marshal arts skills to get through the congressional hearings next year.
Not sure what the hell to make of this. I wish I was still in a tent in Wyoming than having to read all the moderation reports when I got to coverage about three hours ago.

WTH do you guys have in your craw that you cannot stay away from politics in spite of my continual requests to keep the topics to hunting?

Suffice to say, I don't care if you're my brother or my neighbor, posting political threads is likely to get you out the door here at Hunt Talk. Go hunting, go rake the leaves, go play lawn darts, anything other than the petty bullshit that are political threads.

If you are that compelled to post political threads, Facebook is waiting for you.
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