Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

So Biden Asked Where's Jackie Today

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I’m all for freedom of speach, but this post reminds me of when I am hunting and I’m in the zone, I’m connected with my natural surroudings, channeling my inner preditor, stalking my prey and I look down and some ass hole has tossed an empty Modelo bottle on the ground… while I share your concern for our great country under the leadership of these mindless nd kackling puppets, hunting is one of my only escapes…
I’m all for freedom of speach, but this post reminds me of when I am hunting and I’m in the zone, I’m connected with my natural surroudings, channeling my inner preditor, stalking my prey and I look down and some ass hole has tossed an empty Modelo bottle on the ground… while I share your concern for our great country under the leadership of these mindless nd kackling puppets, hunting is one of my only escapes…

Title was pretty clear on what was in the post. And yet you still clicked on it
This issue doesn’t have to be right vs left. Everyone can see that he’s having issues. I just watched my grandmother die of dementia. It was terrible to watch and it only gets worse. Even the liberal news outlets are reporting this one. I wonder if he can even make it the next two years.
Could he be given grace in this flub? It's a stretch but sure. On another hand though, those who seem to think it best to avert their eyes from something an objective person would say is typical of a diminished man, certainly wouldn't for the previous president or for this president if he had an R by his name. This is because as always, politics kills folks' minds

We are on the second link of a chain made of deeply unacceptable presidents bordering on existential risk for the population they govern- a subset of which are part of modern-day religions called political parties, which are essentially financial machines promising salvation, as so many religions of history have been.

This is the Crampeño

Cranberry bread sandwiching egg, jalepeno, cheese and sausage. They make it at the Dive Bakery in Helena. It's spicy and good, and it's a large part of who I am.

Repeat after me:

“I will not watch political shows and get caught up in congressional or presidential politics, there’s not a F&@“ing thing I can do about it. For the sake of my mental health I will go hunting, both parties are ran by idiots and that will not change”

Say this 10 times and repeat as needed.
Could he be given grace in this flub? It's a stretch but sure. On another hand though, those who seem to think it best to avert their eyes from something an objective person would say is typical of a diminished man, certainly wouldn't for the previous president or for this president if he had an R by his name. This is because as always, politics kills folks' minds

We are on the second link of a chain made of deeply unacceptable presidents bordering on existential risk for the population they govern- a subset of which are part of modern-day religions called political parties, which are essentially financial machines promising salvation, as so many religions of history have been.

This is the Crampeño

Cranberry bread sandwiching egg, jalepeno, cheese and sausage. They make it at the Dive Bakery in Helena. It's spicy and good, and it's a large part of who I am.

View attachment 241988
Ohh My!!!! Need to remember this next time I’m up there!!!!
Ate a Speedway breakfast sandwich yesterday, had a death by dysentery moment in the city. No restrooms to be had and in a semi so no where to discreetly hide.

Sometimes the little prayers in life are truly the greatest rewards. So grateful that little plastic shopping bag didn’t have any holes in it…
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Politics has never made friends out of enemies. It has made a lot of enemies out of friends.
It's sad to say that all the "for and against" arguments do nothing but cause stress amongst us.
Which is sad. Even if someone has a different opinion we should be able to find common ground and work together not hate and cut ties. I think we all can agree that this American Government is out of control, too big, and has forgotten the it is For the PEOPLE by the PEOPLE.
Ate a Speedway breakfast sandwich yesterday, had a death by dysentery moment in the city. No restrooms to be had and in a semi so no where to discreetly hide.

Sometimes the little prayers in life are truly the greatest rewards. So grateful that little plastic shopping bag did have any holes in it…
Which is sad. Even if someone has a different opinion we should be able to find common ground and work together not hate and cut ties. I think we all can agree that this American Government is out of control, too big, and has forgotten the it is For the PEOPLE by the PEOPLE.
I won't argue politics. Period. It doesn't seem that people I know can have an open discussion. I have close friends from one radical side to the other. I'm not going to argue with anyone and risk loosing a friend over something we have no control or input on.
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