Snowcock hunting tips

desert shadow

New member
Apr 19, 2011
Hey guys im thinkin about goin snowcock hunting this year cause I live in Nevada and I am close to the ruby mountains. You guys have any tips on how to hunt them for me and
my Dad thanks.
Though we didn't shoot any the trip I went, we did see a few. Both times they were on cliffs and flushed out over space... My tip, would to get as high as possible (we were above the mtn goats) and look around the edges of the cliffs. Here's one my pard shot on a previous trip (he killed 4 in two years) while still at the taxidermists:


Good luck!
What 1_pointer said is what I did to get my bird. Basically you want to get up to the high talus slopes -- almost near the peak summits. At least that was my experience from one trip. The birds are dispersed throughout much of the range, so if you get up high and just keep hiking around (easier said than done), you should eventually see/hear some. Now killing one... I think that requires some luck.

I recently got mine back and up on the wall. I'll try to get a pic up later.