NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Snared deer question

r-22 pilot

New member
Aug 8, 2010
Bismarck ND
So I checked my snares yesterday and found a yearling deer snared around the hoof. I',m not happy it happened, but really not sure how to stop it from happening. The snares are all legal and have the break away on them. The odd thing is there was no sign of struggle around the snare and the hind quarters were eaten out of it, then buried with grass. I checked the snare two days prior. Just wondering if anyone has any idea on what kind of animal would eat the hinds out and then cover up the kill. It happened West of Mandan North Dakota.
Sounds to me like the work of a cat. They usually start on the hindquarters and then try to bury their kill. Don't know if mountain lions are prevelant in your area or not, but if I saw that in Montana I'd say lion beyond the shadow of a doubt. It could be that a bobcat would also try that as well.
Both lions and bobcats will scavenge if condition are right.
Thanks Martin, That was my first though also. We have cats here I just never thought there would be one in this area. We're suppose to get some snow tomorrow so hopefully I will get some answers.
r-22 pilot
to prevent deer from being held around the hoof,crimp a ferrule or steel nut 8" above the lock. This will create a 2and one half in.min.loop.Deer can easily slip the hoof out first jump.This stop is required on cables in wis.and works quite well.
I had the stops on a couple dozen snares last year and they wouldn't kill fox. I could fit two fingers between the snare and its neck. I guess that is better than catching a deer. I just figured the snare would break away.
Yep go with a deer stop. Set your snare where caught predators can get tangled up for dispatch if leagal in your area. Here we are only allowed use of cable restraints non entanglement sets so all predators are still alive and well
Congratulations on killing a deer. Did you turn it in to the Fish and Game?

How is this any different than poaching???

Why would you wait 2 days to check a set?
Congratulations on killing a deer. Did you turn it in to the Fish and Game?

How is this any different than poaching???

Why would you wait 2 days to check a set?

You obviously have never used snares in deer country. It happens sometimes and it is not a concern for Fish and Game people, as it is not intentional. Maybe his regs state that they have a two-day check.

I personally would not have put it on a forum like this, just because of comments like yours. He is just trying to correct the problem and figure out what happened. He does not need to be labeled a poacher, as he is NOT a poacher.

I would say that the deer was definitely killed by a cat.
Bambi, let the hate and rage out, you'll feel better.
r-22 has committed no foul.
With a bit of time and experience he will be able to avoid these situations if he can ask others how they avoid it without being hung out to dry.
I see no law in AK trapping regs that says there is ANY time limit on checking your sets.
MT regs are the same, they suggest checking traps every 48 hours, but it is not legally required.
Poaching? Not even close. It is all about intent of the action. Nothing has been wasted, other game/wildelife has claimed, and is eating the deer. That makes one less that the particular predator has to kill.
Hope you get back your normal good nature soon. Be well.
Well I'm not a trapper in any way shape or form so no info on that. But some of the farms I hunt sheds on in the spring have snares set up everywhere for coyotes and I find several young deer trapped in them every year it seems. I think it is something that is going to happen on occassion don't brow beat the guy to death over this. He is I am sure far from a "Poacher" in any way shape or form. He is asking a question to hopefully gain knowledge and keep this from happening more often, a lot of farmers around here could care less if they killed a few deer in thier traps I think. They are only interested in cutting down the coyote numbers.
We had to chase a black bear off my brother-in-law's elk this year. It had the front half buried and was starting work on the abdominal cavity when we arrived. My guess is he would have started on hinds sooner rather than later had we not showed up to claim the kill.

I'm a poacher? I just looked at the regs. and according to them I am not. I did nothing illegal and yes I did contact GF. They asked if I had the break away that is required; which I did. Then asked where it was and told me thanks for calling in, but I don't need to do anything.

Bambi I was not happy about catching a deer. I have been snaring for a few years now and have never caught one. Before you start accusing people of things you should do a little research.

Since then I have caught four coyotes and a fox off the ranchers land and he is more than happy.
You may be able to find the sweet spot that will dispatch a fox but release a deer. It will not work 100 percent of the time but a deer stop is a good thing to try. Also try researching how to use sticks and vegetation to divert non-target animals as this will be the most effective method.

If its legal you need to put a foothold out for that cat. Learn from the experience and move on. You're helping far more fawns than you are hurting.
Good luck
Bambi you feel better now? r22 obviously he hasn't trapped for an extended period of time. Stuff happens. Thats part of learning and fine tuning your skill as a trapper. Your wanting to learn and never have this happen again shows your sportsmanship.

Bambi there are many states that have a 48hr trap check law.
U ain't no poacher. I had something in my snare and it broke the double ended clip. Took the snare etc... Shit happens,