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Those damn Canadians! I also thought it seemed early for the fires. Do you guys need some firefighters up there?!

We went from snowstorms in April, to wildfire smoke choking us out in May. Sweet...
We were playing in the yard last night and it was nice and clear. Came in to eat dinner and looked outside and it was so smokey I thought there was a house on fire a couple doors down. Pretty wild how it all blew in so thick and fast. Still lingering this AM. Hopefully a couple days of wind can blow it out.
The entire province of Alberta is under fire restrictions already - no open fires anywhere, even campgrounds in designated fire pits. Irrigation districts have water shortages. Fires are burning. And its only May.
Hazy skies here in Illinois from the smoke. News channels talking about the colorful sunsets because of it.
Is there any timeline for getting the fires under control? I sure hope it doesn’t last all summer. We had a lot of moisture this winter and I was hoping for a smoke free summer. Yesterday was as smoky as I’ve seen it here.
Hey Canadians! @Sask hunter @SaskHunter @OntarioHunter

What's the deal? Why is it so dry up there? Didn't you have snow like a couple days ago? Are you more like AZ with the dry seasons being the shoulder seasons?

We had late snow but barely any rain. Everything's dry as hell.

Smoke cleared up yesterday since we had a SW wind but it's shifting back so we're expecting more smoke tomorrow.

AB is still burning and we had some evacuations up North here too. She's hella dry!!!
Was dry last fall but we had decent amount of snow this winter but it melted slow and all went into the ground. Looks like over the next week or so we have a few good chances at rain