sleep aids


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2009
In the Sagebrush of SW Montana
The last 4 or 5 trips that I've been backpacking or ATV camping I've really struggled to fall asleep and stay asleep. It's something that I have always struggled with even though some years I live in a tent for weeks. It's really beginning to take it's toll and overflow into my days off.

In my searches, I found Mtn Ops Slumber but I absolutely loathe Mtn Ops branded stuff but I like the idea of having something that I can drink and go to bed. Anyone have the generic alternative or something that works for them to get to sleep and stay asleep? Alcohol is 100% off the table as an option.
As a chronic poor sleeper I have a prescription for trazodone and call in OTC diphenhydramine HCI for backup when needed.
I take Tylenol PM or maybe was Excedrin PM. I take after the first night of not enough sleep when on a hunt. I also use eye patch so is dark as sleep even if a full moon or tree limbs are dancing shadows on the tent. The patch also keeps me warm. I use ear plugs to quiet down the sounds I am not used to such as crickets, rain hitting the tent, horses being horses, etc. I keep a stocking cap if will be chilly at night in the tent. I keep a neck gaiter or balaclava handy if will be really cold. And, a pair of wool socks. I find that if is pitch black dark, sounds are muffled and I am warm that I sleep almost as good as if in a bed back home.

I have gone entire trips and never taken the PM meds. I sometimes put a relaxation (or very boring) podcast on my phone to help me wind down for the day and fall to sleep while on the mountain. If is cold, I also keep a gallon ziploc so do not have to crawl out of the sleeping back into cold air to whiz. That exposure to cold air and cold ground wakes me up for a while compared to creative positioning to use the ziploc while staying warm.

Altitude can be a real issue for flat landers that end up on mountain ridges. I find my chest feels like a cat is laying on it for the first night or two. I alter the mix of protein and carbs the first couple of days. Hydrate though I never drink booze during a hunt. PM meds. A few hunts have had me using wet wipes to freshen up as I can smell my own stink inside the sleeping bag and if you can smell yourself then are ripe.
As a chronic poor sleeper I have a prescription for trazodone and call in OTC diphenhydramine HCI for backup when needed.
^^^^^This is the same cocktail I use. The traz is for "PTSD" but my last Army (SOF) doc I had prescribed to me specifically to be used with the benadryl. Has been working for me for the last 6+ years
I know a lot of people don't like it but I take melatonin. I'm naturally sensitive to it to the point that 3-5 mg will knock me out.

My strategy is to try and never take it at home, where I rarely need it anyways, and then always have it on hand for when I travel. I've been trying to manipulate my brain in that way and it works super well.
kind of off the wall but a set of ear plugs works wonders to drown out any noise ( partners that cut wood all night... wind through the trees, bugling elk). If noise isn't the issue than nothing I say will help. Never had a problem except maybe the first night being so excited.
I had to go to a prescription. I have never been a sleeper even at home. I mean a couple hours a night then toss and turn. Nothing over the counter did a thing. My doc who I have known for years finally said look you need to sleep. Game changer for me. Never knew what a good night sleep was. I can even sleep in now!
Yep, as mentioned above. A couple hits of "in da couch" and I sleep like a baby. Until I need to get up to piss, which seems at my age is now inevitable.
Melatonin can work.
If that doesn’t do it, talk to your physician regarding a prescription for Ambien. I used to use that to help with jet lag when I did quite a bit of overseas traveling for work and it literally is impossible to stay awake 30 minutes after taking one.
This. 1,3,5mg

Or (and)

I don’t mess around. I take 1.5 servings of 10mg melatonin and I’m asleep in 15 minutes.
I can see why you use Tylenol pm though with all the aches and pains and swelling possible. Tylenol pm seems to put me in a deep sleep and I don’t wake up until morning, but I don’t feel refreshed. When I take melatonin I still wake up if something is making a ruckus in the house like a kid and I feel refreshed in the am.

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