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Terry aka Coydog

New member
Dec 10, 2000
Menlo, WA
I really enjoy seeing the cat pics and stories. My wife says after this years hunt maybe I should start saving for a cat hunt. I sure get a charge reading about it and looking at the pictures.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.

Terry-This is a lion we treed on the encampment river canyon a couple years ago. The fellow that shot it was celebrating his 65th birthday that day!!! I had a friend with me also that was a vietnam vet and currently has been battling lukemia and lymphoma from agent orange poisioning he got in Nam for five years. It was a real special day for all of us. Mike had always wanted to go on a cat hunt and had never seen one except in a zoo. Valle had always wanted to get a lion and never had the time or money to do it and it was his birthday. I called him at 6 oclock in the morning and told him to get up here that I had found a nice tom track. His thirty minute drive to where I had burried the pickup
Seemed like hours!!!!! We left the truck stuck in the middle of the road and took off on snowmobiles. It was also Valles first snowmobile ride!
Interesting to say the least!
We cut loose the dogs where it crossed the road about thirty minutes from where we left the trucks. The dogs were off like it was the last cat they would ever be able to chase. It was headed for the river canyon so we opted to take the snowmobiles up the hill, and down the ridge above the river, instead of the grueling walk down hell creek, and back over the top. We turned our machines off about and hour after we cut the dogs loose and were at the point where the dogs had crossed over the ridge into the river canyon. I got out the tracking equipment because we couldnt hear the dogs. After a few minutes of tuning things in I got a beep beep beep from the lead dogs collar. It was a treeing beep which is twice as fast as the regular trailing beep. I said it looks like they have the lion. I was a little reluctant going into the canyon with one sick fella and one old fella, and I asked them if they were game for it. The canyon is a steep SOB!!!! They looked it over and said why not!! So over the hill we went. After about a half hour climbing down the steep rocky slick hillside we could finally hear the dogs. The lion was about three hundred yards above the river bottom in a big bushy tree. After taking some pictures and watching the two guys with grins from ear to ear, Valle decided to shoot the lion. I tied the dogs up and he got all set. Kaboom!!!! The lion bailed out of the tree and went straight down hill. My lead dog chewed his leash in half and headed over the hill, right on his tail. If I would have been watching him I woulda known how close he was to being loose before the shot!! OOPS Well I headed off the hill sliding on my butt uncontrolably down the hill. Then on my belly faster abnd faster! I grabbed a tree limb on the way by a tree and got stopped. I could hear the dog and the lion fighting in the woods right below me. I Hollared and told Mike not to forget the camera case!!! He said dont worry about it I anint going down there!!
Valle had managed to slide down on his bottom to where I was hanging on. It was now or never and I was getting worried about my dog!! So I let go and down the hill I went!!!!! At the bottom was the biggest fight ya ever saw. As sson as Valle got there, and the dog cleared away for a second Valle put the finishing tpouch on the lion. I knew we could never pack it out whole, so we skinned the lion. We barely made it out to the top of the hill as it was. Both of the older men, were wondering if they would make it to!!!! After we got to where Mike was waiting near the tree, it wasnt bad but it was one step forward and two steps back for the first 300 yards!! Too much fun. Made both of these guys dream come true for seeing a real lion that wasnt in a zoo. It is one of the nicest mounts I have ever seen too, and adds a special touch to Valles sheep , deer and antelope collection!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

Bcat, Tahnk you very much for the pic and exciting story. I can picture myself there. Very well told. I'm psyched for a cat chase!

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Great story bcat!! Just a little part of ya had to have been excited to see that dog get loose and go after that lion.....
Josh-I get exited just finding tracks
Something about lion hunting gets in yer veins and its exciting every time!!! I feel like a RETIRED lion hunter.
We have only turned the dogs loose one time this year on a track!!! Got the lion, but it is agrevating when you're used to catching 8 or ten of em a season! Next year is shaping up real good tho!! Cant wait. Might get one more hunt in if it will snow before the month is over!!! Terry, looking forward to hunting with ya whatever ya choose to hunt. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


I'm gonna take a stab at posting a couple lion pictures for you. My website has quite a few lion pics on it but I haven't updated it with this year's results yet. This is the lion my last hunter for this winter got a couple weeks ago. There isn't much to the story on this one. I cut the tracks from a snowmobile and they looked bad. I would have thought they were two days old if I hadn't of just checked the road the day before. So I knew they were less than 24 hours old but still expected a long haul. We turned the dogs looose, strapped on the snowshoes and listened in frustration as the dogs took the track about 300 yards and then started booing around and not making any more progress. Pretty soon they started treeing. I was thinking bad things about them but as it turned out they were right! The cat had bedded under a rock ledge 300 yards above the road and he just climbed a spindly little tree next to his bed without running at all! His bed was under a huge boulder and we were able to climb the boulder and get eye level with the cat about 12 feet away. Larry made a great shot (hard to mess up at 12' but it's happened before!), and we had an easy job of sliding him down the hill to the snowmobile. So Larry got an easy lion, and a real good one at that, but the bobcat he got a few days earlier made up for it! That's another story though. Incidentally, the redbone in the background is my Rebel dog, about a month after he got his clock cleaned by a different lion. I knew he was too hard-headed to let a good butt-kicking get in the way of his hunting!


Well, I was going to put a second picture here of Larry with his lion but photopoint doesn't seem to want to give up the url right now. I'll try again later and add the picture when I can.

Ok, think I got it goes:

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting

[This message has been edited by Buckshot (edited 03-02-2001).]

Excellent pictures and cat!! Thanks for posting them, we need more houndsmen! Welcome to Huntandlodge, glad you are here! Show us some more pictures.

"The worst advice you can give a person with a sour attitude is to be himself"
[email protected]
Buckshot, Welcome to Hunttalk!
Glad to see another houndsmen posting here. I'm not one cause they outlawed it here but I love the stories and oics.
Nice pic of that cat in the tree. Looking forward to seeing more from you. I bet your client was happy with such a nice cat.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
Hey Buckshot,great picture's I love that close up.You guys that run dog's sure look like you are having fun.

Nice pics, and nice cat. I sure like that country up there. I hunted up at Bonners ferry and Preist Lake, 21 yrs ago and havent been back. I wanted to hunt Id. this year but cant figure out how to draw a houndsman permit! It dont hurt to get an easy one once in a while! KW
Welcome buckshot!! I think you and I may have emailed back and forth before about hounds.Loved your pictures.Do you bear hunt too??? I couldnt remember.
Thanks for all the welcomes. Sure is a friendly group around here and I've really enjoyed the site. Yes George, I remember e-mailing back and forth awhile back. I bear hunt recreationally with my dogs, but my guided hunts are spot and stalk. Most of my guiding territory is in the extreme northern tip of Idaho where it's not legal to bait or use hounds on bear, but in 20 minutes I can get across the line where it is legal.

Clint Gray
Buckshot Outfitting
Welcome to Moosie's Hunt Talk Buckshot. Glad to have you here. Love that close up, that is great. Thanks for posting it. Hope to hear a bunch of stories and see a lot of pics

Elk Hunting 101: Everything You Need To Know About Elk Hunting

Welcome Buckshot!!!! Good to see some more houndsman and Outfitters on the Forum. I like pictures where the hunter holds (or tries to) hold the lion up like your photo and this one. Shows the actual size of the lion better. THis was a lion I got for my x-taxidermist, it was the second lion I got for him!!! How many does a guy need?

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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