Show Me your Smallest Buck....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Anyone can Post a Picture of a 30"+ mule deer, Hell, they're around every corner...

Post a Picture of your Smallest buck you've taken,,, Come on, Don't be shy :D :D
Sorry Oscar, I went to snap a picture of my smallest buck's antlers, but I couldn't find the matchbook that I had hidden them under.
Iron Buck... YOu know, aren't ALL deer from back ast small ;)

Thats like saying "GUYS" when hunting. I'm including Chicks too, but I just say Gys. Show me yer little Whitey ... ;)
Here is a nice small one from last 12 year old daughters first hunting season and first buck. She was as excited as if it were a 170 class monster ....and so was I LOL :D


I actually shot a buck during Muzzleloader season in MAryland a few years back that was 1/2 this size...........what a monster!
:D I never did take a picture (imagine that!) But I do have the rack (if you can call it that) around here somewhere. I'll try to get a digital picture and post it.
Iron buck, congrats to your daughter, I imagine she was excited, first year, first deer. I also noticed even tho she is excited the action on that Lever Gun is opened, nice. You taught her well...congrats DAD.
I'll bite ;) Here is the smallest but one of the toughest bucks I have ever taken.It was shot the last day of the season a long time ago. Well not that long lets say ONLY 25 years ago ;)

Well, I'd post a Deer or Two but back then I didn't take Pictures... Kind of hard to believe since I take 500+ pics a Year now even if I jsut shoot a Rabbit :D :D

Thanx for the Pictures guys !!!
Moosie, I just E-mailed a picture of the smallest buck which I still have, I shot 2 other deer smaller than this one, both those horns were lost (to neighbors dogs I assume) I shot this one probably 12 years ago on an archery hunt, if you look close you can still see the broad-head in the skull, that good looking feller holding it is yours truly, I call this freak my moose buck kind of like you Moosie both of which are very odd indeed.
It dropped like a sack of spuds when I shot it,
its heart had not stopped yet when I cut its throat & it pumped out ever ounce of blood it had.
Quick Draw, check your email. I sent the URL for your picture to you.

My smallest one was a very tender button buck whitey. I could cut it with a fork. No pictures though.
Ok guys here is the picture of my smallest/biggest buck.

He didn't weigh much but he sure did taste good.
:D :D
Quick Draw
Got you all beat......nubb'r buck, LOL......needed meat for the freezer first, hah !!

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