SHOT Show Souvenir


Staff member
Jun 8, 2009
Portland, OR
Something very interesting happened to me a couple months ago. In January I went to the SHOT show with the rest of the OYOA and Warm Springs crew. Unlike them, I didn't have any important meetings to attend to, so my time was spent wandering the show floor, looking at new products, and attending awards banquets.

Anyhow, as I was wandering around one day, I stopped by the Remington booth. They had this giant 8' tall plastic tube filled with empty shells, along with a promotion where you could give them all of your information and a guess at how many shells are in the tube, and the person with the closest guess wins a gun.

Because I didn't have anything better to do, I set to work on trying to figure out the number as best I could. I like having something to calculate, so I used the string on my name tag as a ruler, and found that the tube was 8' tall and 2' in diameter. Then I took a look at the mix of shells in the tube and found a plethora of different gauges and lengths. I guessed at the average size of the shells and the amount of "free space" was between shells. Putting all of these numbers into the equation for volume of the tube times what I referred to as the "shell density" and dividing by what I guessed as the average volume of the empties, I came up with a number. After thinking for a minute and argu...*ahem*...I mean, talking with another show attendee who was convinced my guess was way too high based on her many years of reloading experience, I put my slip of paper in the box and proceeded to completely forget about the whole ordeal.

At least I forgot about it until I got an e-mail from Remington a few weeks later. It turns out that there were a few thousand shells in there, and I missed the correct number by just 3.

I'm waiting to finish up my last test and homework assignment before I fly home for spring break, and I have been informed that there is a brand new 12 gauge Remington Versa Max waiting for me in Bozeman.

My thanks goes out to the guys at Remington! I'll update this later to let you all know what I think of it once I finally get to try it out. If nothing else, it is at least a good story, right?
You won a shotgun by MacGuyver'ing a sliderule out of a freaking piece of string...incredible. Congrats.
That's amazing, I made both of my younger children read your thread to help inspire them in math class.
Hope your don't mind that I offered to donate that to the BAYED? I think these guys would love a chance at. You OK with that?

It does make for a great story.

I walked up and looked at him frantically calculating and scribing page after page of formulas, equations, and variables, and shook my head. Like taking it to that level was going to get any closer than some of the thousands of guesses that people had tossed in the drum.

This Remington booth was one of the biggest and most accessible, and there were so many guesses in the hopper, that it seemed every attendee has put their guess in the drum.

Besides that, we were in a hurry to get somewhere and I was tired of waiting for him to complete this process. I went to another booth for a meeting, then returned as he was wrapping it up and some woman was informing him that his calculation was way off.

I gave it no thought either, until Remington called the house. Finally tally 8,808 empties in the drum. The winning estimate provided was 8,805. Result = a brand new Versa Max to put in the safe.

I laughed so hard after that call. Mostly because I bad been acting like such a curmudgeon and telling him to hurry and get done with it so we could get to our next meeting. Shows what little I know.
That is awesome!! A damn good story for sure. How is that trap and skeet club going?
Nice work! Apparently getting a good college education is worthwhile after all.
Nice job!

Big Fin and Cornell:

It does make for a great story.

I walked up and looked at him frantically calculating and scribing page after page of formulas, equations, and variables, and shook my head. Like taking it to that level was going to get any closer than some of the thousands of guesses that people had tossed in the drum.

I laughed so hard after that call. Mostly because I bad been acting like such a curmudgeon and telling him to hurry and get done with it so we could get to our next meeting. Shows what little I know.

Every now and then us engineers get it right - then we go to our CPA at the end of the year and they screw up the whole years good work with bad news and the best they can come up with for an answer is just because, or the laws say this or that or you can't do this or that.

Big Fin: Bet you're going to make that poor young man claim that as income - Right???

Cornell: WELL DONE young man - well done.
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Is that 2 guns won from the shot show?


That's awesome! Congrats Matthew! What will it take to take you to Vegas with me? ;)
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Definitely gets those smarts from his Mom;) That's awesome Matthew. Well I'm going next year and am going to pal around with Matthew since my wife doesn't want to look at guns. Fin save me a spot I've got some guns to win!:D
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