Caribou Gear

Shortest recovery distance EVER.

I once shot an oncoming bluewing teal that landed/bounced so that I was able to keep my left boot toe in place and stretch out to reach the wing with my fingertips and pull it in (much like a first basemen stretching it out to beat a fast runner.

Shot was probably 25 yards out and he folded up and glided all the way to me.
I accidentally spined a doe just a few short weeks ago at 12 yards with my recurve. I was in a tree, she was close, and the angle was steep. She dropped in her tracks, the back end was paralyzed, but she was very much alive. I had to stick her with one more arrow from the tree while she had her head up looking back at me.
I've killed a lot of deer but that one bothered me. Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age.
Shot a doe last season with my bow that jumped as the arrow passed through and then just stood there till she bled out and fell. Did'nt even hit a rib and she had no idea what happened. Since someone brought up birds I've had a couple fall right into the blind.
My daughter's first deer, a doe, dropped in its tracks. It was in a field on the back of my place and I was able to pull the truck right up to it.

I've had a few deer drop in there tracks.
My first archery deer as a teenager. I was set up on a deer trail. Literally right on the deer trail. Wasn’t smart enough to set up 10-15 yards off the trail. I look up and a four-point is coming up the trail straight at me. I shot him frontal at 7 yards and hit his spine and dropped immediately. Learned alot of valuable lessons from that experience...:unsure:
I've had quite a few deer drop in their tracks. Perhaps the most dramatic was a yearling doe I shot at about 12 yards with a 44 magnum revolver. She was knocked off her feet and landed on her back with all 4 feet in the air. She never even twitched.
Most memorable was a Blacktail buck i stalked up on at 20 Yds as he was feeding on the last weekend of CA A-zone season. He looked right at me, I had the crosshairs on the white patch on the throat. Bang. Flop. It was then I thought i should really consider archery.

Shot a coyote with my bow on a rock I'd ranged at 40 yards exactly. Aimed for the bottom of her chest, and she ducked and the arrow caught her right above her right eye. Dropped there...
One time I shot a doe that was probably 10 yards away from my tree stand. Angle was such that I nicked the aorta and both lungs along the center line of the deer had a slice in them. She jumped back from the shot and right into a briar patch where she died before she could untangle herself.
10 yards on a deer. Sitting beside a tree and had a small buck working a trail with his nose to the ground. I had used a drag line and he was following my steps. Dropped where he was when I shot. I did have a canadian goose fall at my feet many years ago within about 12" of my left foot.
Shot a bull about 90 yards up a steep hill from me... at the shot, he slid down and came to a stop approximately 7 yards from me. I've killed quite a few black bears on the ground with dogs at 0-5 feet. I guess those would be my shortest recovery distances ever. 0 feet.
Dropped quite a few where they stood. One whitetail comes to mind though. Shot him through lungs at 15 yards broadside. He made one lunge forward head first into an 8x8 corner post. Pretty sure it snapped his neck. When I picked him up by the antlers his neck was making all sorts of crunching noise. Made quite the thud when he rammed that post.
Still hunting whitetail - heart shot on a doe at 35 yards. She bolted towards me and died maybe 8 yards away.

I've had ducks hit the blind and land in the blind. Also shooting straight up at squirrels - I don't catch them cause if they haven't given up the ghost yet they can give a nasty bite. I had one jump on to my head once.
This is the closest for me. I took the picture from where I shot this buck. He and I were working through the timber one morning and got to have a meeting.

I need to up my recovery game. Shortest has been about a mile!

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