Shiite radical


New member
Nov 28, 2001
I wonder how far this one is going to go...LOL...It won't take long to quell this one. Some of these people just don't get it... ;)

Iraq Shiite radical tells Bush to withdraw troops or face revolution

KUFA, Iraq (AFP) - Outlawed Shiite Muslim radical leader Moqtada Sadr branded US President George W. Bush an "enemy" and told him to withdraw his troops from Iraq or face a revolution.

"I address my enemy Bush. You are now fighting an entire nation, from south to north, from east to west, and we advise you to withdraw from Iraq," Sadr said Friday in a message that was read at the main mosque in this central shrine town by one of his aides.

"I call on America not to confront the Iraqi revolution," said Sheikh Jaber al-Khafagi, as he addressed worshippers gathered for the main weekly prayers in this Sadr stronghold.

The outlawed radical leader had been expected to deliver the weekly sermon himself as usual but Khafagi said Sadr was "unable to be with us today".

Earlier this week, Sadr, who has been outlawed by the US-led coalition after being charged with two counts of murder by an Iraqi investigating magistrate, barricaded himself inside the Kufa mosque.

But he ended his sit-in on Tuesday and left for the nearby shrine city of Najaf where he is holed up at an undisclosed location.

In his message to the worshippers, Sadr warned Bush that unless he removed his troops from Iraq, "you will lose the (November presidential) elections you are now struggling for".

He also warned that Iraqis who failed to heed his call to fight the US-led occupation would "burn in hell".

"All faithful Iraqi men and women who have heard my call (to join) the struggle and do not heed it, will burn in hell ... and will be an outlaw," his message said.