Yeti GOBOX Collection

Shed hunting trip


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
My dad and I are going to come out to Wyoming this spring to do some shed hunting. We are planning on spending time in the Sierra Madre and Snowy range since that is where we will be hunting on a general tag for elk hopefully. Hopefully this will increase our odds of finding elk and maybe learn the land some. Anyways, I was wondering when you all think is the best time to come out? I know that some areas are off limits to shed hunting because they are protected winter range. Any help is appreciated!
Other than learning the lay of the land, and maybe finding some old sign, I would think it would be pretty much a wasted trip. IMHO.
if I was going to make a run like that, I would wait till closer to the season, where some scouting may actually help you JMO.

If the primary cause of your trip is shed hunting, I'd look at mid April. The bigger bulls should have shed by then. Some of the smaller bulls may not have, but the bigger sheds will get snatched up pretty quick.
Check the regs, but last time I looked shed hunting on the west side of the continental divide was closed until later in spring to protect wintering animals. East side there was no closed season. The divide runs right through the Sierra Madre range. I used to live in Colorado not far from the border in that area, and elk mainly wintered out on the sage-covered lower elevations. Where they did their shedding depended on snow depth in the spring. On year I found them clear up where I hunted i September, the next year you couldnt get in there till May, elk were still low, so we picked a few out on the BLM grounds.

I'd plan your trip later in May if you actually want to get into the lower elevation areas you might be hunting come fall. July or August if you really want to 'scout'. keep in mind that snowcover will persist well into June at 10,000' in the Snowy's and Sierra Madres. They try to have Hwy 130 open over the Snowy Range by memorial weekend.

good luck!
I hunt that exact area of Wy for elk.Do you know where they winter there??I would think it would be on all private ranches.I just think your wasting your time.I'd get an antelope license and do an archery lope hunt in august and run over then to scout.
I appreciate the replies. I guess looking at the title, I could have chose a better one. I really just want to spend a week up in the mountains with my dad and maybe one of our friends. I plan on checking out roads and trails on areas that I have been scoping out for the last few years, as well as doing some hiking/fly fishing to get the lay of the land in the areas. Maybe we will get lucky and find some old sign too. At least then I might know that I'm kinda, sorta in the right area. I really can't go out much past May because I have obligations during the summer months. The shed hunting was something I might include in the trip...I love collecting bone! Anyways, thanks for the advice!
late May should give you access to some of the lower elevation NF lands. Check the MVUM (motor vehicle use map) for the Med Bow NF before you go driving around. Sometimes there are seasonal road closures. You can get a map at the district office in Saratoga or the supervisors office in Laramie on Snowy Range Rd. there isn't a lot of public land down in the valleys there, but you might get lucky if you comb a few pieces of BLM... lotta deer winter in that area
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