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Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Delist Gray Wolves in Great Lakes and Wyoming 3-9-22

what the author stated, "The recently-introduced bill would block any further court reversals of wolf management by prohibiting “judicial review” of the reissued rules."

Here's the text of the bill:

Near as I can tell, the language of this bill is solid, but I can't see it passing the House this year unless vulnerable Dems get how this can help them.

These bills don't keep the wolf from being relisted if states fail to follow through on their end of the deal, so it keeps that vital level of protection for all species without singling out one species.
Here's the text of the bill:

Near as I can tell, the language of this bill is solid, but I can't see it passing the House this year unless vulnerable Dems get how this can help them.

These bills don't keep the wolf from being relisted if states fail to follow through on their end of the deal, so it keeps that vital level of protection for all species without singling out one species.
Tammy Baldwin co-sponsoring is a *huge* deal. She's basically spent her career in the Senate laying pretty low, she's never stuck her neck out for anything, and for lack of a better description, as a progressive lesbian from Madison, this signals they can get more support for this bill. I would guess they'll get every congressional vote in Wisconsin (maybe not Pocan), remains to be seen if the Dem house members in Minnesota/Michigan/other states would go along enough to pass. If we're at $6-8 gas this summer, vulnerable Democrats in rural states with wolves/wolf adjacent(that aren't retiring) are going to begging for cross aisle things to pass.

I've spent a fair amount of my life in this state, and a lot of that involved in state politics in one way or the other, and the fact Johnson and Baldwin agree on this issue tells me there's more bipartisan support for this than you'd think at face value.
Tammy Baldwin co-sponsoring is a *huge* deal. She's basically spent her career in the Senate laying pretty low, she's never stuck her neck out for anything, and for lack of a better description, as a progressive lesbian from Madison, this signals they can get more support for this bill.
The US senate in the upper midwest was always supportive of wolf management legislation, I'm thinking Franken and Klobuchar. I doubt the bill will come close to passing, more than likely won't even see it's way to the floor. I'd think most Dems would lose more votes voting for, not many Dem congressional districts are adversely affected, best to kick it on down the road.

Last week there was another of those wolf articles in the NYT. I just went and finished reading it, so I could say I read it, because on the first go round I cut out after 15 or 20 paragraphs knowing how it would go. Biologist saying the right thing, fladry, token hobby rancher, etc. Comments at the NYT usually have a couple contrarian views, none as far as I read. No paywall.

I just don't see much happening good for hunters re wolves, bear, trapping, etc. unless part of some larger SCOTUS review of the ESA and NEPA reviews and so on.
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