Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

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Yes, Dr. Anal Rabies. You asked which mass shooters, as if there were none. Now the goal posts have shifted to the amount being too small?

Like I said, pretty disgusting stuff in that Black History Month thread. Definitely stuff people would lose their jobs over if those comments got attached to an employee or have the FBI snooping around.
It's always fun to watch when someone gets pulled out of the shadows, into the light of day, all the stumbling around and confused blinking as they try to get their bearings.
Dude, shadows? Your closet was sooo dark until Beaver10 took the door off its hinges and pulled you out into the light.

Please don’t take credit for doing nothing but leaving your fingernails scratched into the floor.
Yes, Dr. Anal Rabies. You asked which mass shooters, as if there were none. Now the goal posts have shifted to the amount being too small?

Like I said, pretty disgusting stuff in that Black History Month thread. Definitely stuff people would lose their jobs over if that kind of stuff people would lose their job or have the FBI snooping around.
Yes... they should be cancelled and persecuted by the FBI
I am going to wager that this thread gets locked down before any of the companion threads on 24 hour campfire. Which moderator staff is most liberal?
dude who made this account posted the password on 24 hour campfire. did he not think we could read?

Congrats to rickt300, erniessalad, and especially Beaver10!
Sounds like you have firsthand experience.

Feel free to share more about it. This is your safe space.


Sure thing.

I may have gotten ahead of myself. For the novice, I think we should take a few steps back and start with the basics.
I’d hate to set you up for failure by giving you advice that could make you a selfish lover.
Perhaps you could put it in your 10 year plan to locate her clitoris, and once that’s achieved then we can go more into detail on the advanced subjects.
To shorten the learning curve, you can also ask nicely for her to show you this too, and to your delight, you will find that she can show you this in missionary and will do it with enthusiasm, however you will have to turn the lights on for best results (the big ones are like the size of a coffee bean). Baby steps out of the comfort zone. You can do it. Communication is key.

But enough of that… Do you have any do it yourself, public land hunting stories to share, or are you just here to talk about gay stuff (that you’re totally obsessed with but of course not into or interested in) and get sex advice from the type of guys your wife likes to date IE: half your age, more successful, better looking.
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Yes, Dr. Anal Rabies. You asked which mass shooters, as if there were none. Now the goal posts have shifted to the amount being too small?

Like I said, pretty disgusting stuff in that Black History Month thread. Definitely stuff people would lose their jobs over if those comments got attached to an employee or have the FBI snooping around.

I didn't even hint that there might be none. You chose to misread that into my post. When I read this "Considering the amount of mass shooters" in your post, I was led to believe that you believed it was a substantial issue, rather than isolated. Thankfully, racially motivated mass shootings are rare. The overwhelming majority of shootings and mass shootings are intra-racial.
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I didn't even hint that their might be none. You chose to misread that into my post. When I read this "Considering the amount of mass shooters" in your post, I was led to believe that you believed it was a substantial issue, rather than isolated. Thankfully, racially motivated mass shootings are rare. The overwhelming majority of shootings and mass shootings are intra-racial.
I guess since racially motivated killings are rare we should ignore them and not pay attention to any trends.

Wade Michael Page, Richard Poplawski, and Anders Breivik (3 new ones for you) were all avid Stormfront posters and engaged in the same racial rhetoric on full display on 24hr. They killed 86 people between the 3 of them.

Like I said, normal people find the shit they were saying unsettling and certainly not in line with any kind of American values I'm aware of. Maybe they sit around in their circle jerks too long and don't realize how far they have slid into being a shitty human.
It's always funny listening to the enlightened liberals living in majority white lands being all BLM and stuff. Here's hoping all of your daughters, and sons, give reparations on their knees.
post physique
Like I said, normal people find the shit they were saying unsettling and certainly not in line with any kind of American values I'm aware of.
I am disgusted by the character of some of the content in just the same way that you are.
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