Second best game ever..

47 first time through....I feel better going in for another round...beating 23, not a chance for me
Having 4 kids playing this game all the time helps you learn the angles. One son is sitting #1 in the house with a 21 so far. Play the angles and don't be light on your strokes.
I wasn't light on the strokes, I wacked the crap out of it. As far as the game went....50 first and only time.
so far J-Perve.....he's the office pervert......has tied the second lowest score of 23, i seen him do it....he is determined to hoist the trophy of the second best game ever!!! today @ 10:00 in the A.M. he will be attempting this feat of a 20 or better... ill keep you informed....
J-Perve has succesfully putted a 22, beating his previous score of 23! after the round he told me that had he not missed a crucial put on the front 9, in which he tallied a par 2 instead of a birdie hole in one, he could have tied the low score of 21.....ill keep you posted on his achievements..

myself?............i bested my 48 with a 33!!!:D
noharleyyet the key to 18 is to place the ball in the upper left corner of the tee box, drag your stroke back so the last dot is even with the hole, just miss the bar in the middle and that should do it. More tips to follow.
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