Scouting during an open season?


Active member
Jun 13, 2012
Oklahoma City, OK
I am wanting to get opinions on how people feel about this situation...

I didn't draw my CO deer tag due to point creep, so I have some time off during 3rd season at work. I have a couple of elk units I am interested in and will have a chance to draw in 2 years. I am thinking about going up and checking out those units this year while third season is going on. In my mind, why not scout it during the same time you will be hunting it if possible.

Obviously I would wear orange and not carry a weapon. Mostly I want to hike into a few vantage points I have found on google earth and do some glassing. I won't glass from places where my scent will be blowing down into a drainage/basin and spooking elk. As long as I am courteous of other hunters actually holding a tag, and not walking around all over the place spooking game, does anybody have a reason that I should not do this?

Thanks guys and gals!
No one should have a problem with that, and if they do they have a real flawed stance on public lands and recreation for that matter.

Have at it!
No one should have a problem with that, and if they do they have a real flawed stance on public lands and recreation for that matter.

Have at it!

^^^^^^^ This! Enjoy your scouting trip. You'll probably learn more about the area scouting during the same time frame than you ever would if you were hunting it.
It can mess up a hunt if you aren't aware of what is going on. I had scoped out a big 7x bull on an archery hunt and had him patterned. He would walk with his cows up a line of trees to a water hole. I was in my blind. Just as the elk were walking in a quad rolled up and stopped. A guy in full camo and some fine glass got off and was watching the elk walk through the trees. I crept up behind him and scared him good. He said he was just scouting for the next rifle hunt. I was not too happy with him.
It's public land, if anyone says anything tell them to go pound sand. Sounds like you are already trying to be mindful of other hunters so hopefully you won't get confronted. You may also do someone a favor and push something to them, it's a fine line.
The same guy that would criticize this is the same guy that would criticize hunting without scouting the area first. As stated do your best to be mindful but you have every right to be there. Good luck, have fun.
Sounds like most people have the same way of thinking that I did. Glad to hear that. All of these vantage points are in areas that I can drive my truck on a road and hike less than a mile to them, most of them under a half mile. Just trying to gain elevation to be able to see more country. They are also in units that have minimal or no wilderness, so there are plenty of roads and trails. Which in my mind means there will be plenty of traffic from people on atv's hunting and being much more intrusive into the areas than myself.
If it is public land, go for it. Seems like you have a good mind to be courteous to those who have the tag this year, so I wouldn't hesitate to get out in the woods and do some scouting. Good luck!
Do it its your land but would respect space of those actively hunting this year,

Go for it. It sounds like you're already cognizant of the fact you don't want to blow someone else's hunt and you're plenty courteous. Matter of fact, maybe you can educate some hunters out there about common courtesy, haha.
Like other's have said, it's public land. Public use doesn't always include hunting. What if you were just out there geocaching or bird watching?

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