Schwetty Balls - Moisture & Scent Control


New member
Apr 28, 2011
N. Idaho
All joking aside, I would love to know from others what works and what does not when it comes to scent control down under.

Some of the worst for me is UA boxer briefs, even the ones with (microbial scent control, etc, etc) and their thermals I've found to be just as bad.

Anyway, hope to see some worthwhile responses because smelling like a bag of a**holes is not good when hiking/hunting. :eek:
I used to stand knee deep in snow with a pan of hot water on the tailgate, boots, a rag & soap and a thermal jacket my only cover and just take a whore's bath. I don't wear UA thermals, but the light brown military issue. They don't seem to stink so bad and do a fair job. There's little which stinks so bad as FOMUNDA!
Normal boxer briefs. Your gonna sweat no matter what you wear if your hiking up a mtn in the elk woods unless you go about ten feet and then stop for a minute and repeat. Play the wind, try to reduce scent if possible, and know when and how to call. Boom elk down.
Merino Wool, not synthetics. All the performance, none of the funk.

First Lite Red Desert Briefs
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I love the breathability of synthetics, but they come at a price. FUNK. I can put on a capaline shirt or a mountain hardware poly (exercise) shirt and I'll get funky just sitting around.

I'd switch your undies and see if that makes a difference.

Wiping your ass works too. LOL
If this topic peaks your interest, there is a classic thread on 24 hr campfire on Monkey Butt that will have you roaring in laughter.

Merino wool and unscented wet wipes are the shiznit!
I don't know what kind of wet ass you guys produce but my UA briefs work great for me. With no funk to boot but I do bathe too
Caribou Gear

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