Caribou Gear

Scam Ammo Websites


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
Hunting around for ammo I found websites claiming to have a discontinued ammunition. Upon calling, the voice on the other end was decidedly foreign and unfamiliar with California ammunition shipping

SO i'd recommend staying away from



If I am wrong and these are reputable dealers with offshore customer service let me know but I'm leary.....
A friend of mine saw a place selling 500 rounds of 6.5x300 wby mag ammo for 300 bucks. I told him don't even think about it. Lol.
I hate PayPal for their policies on firearms. BUT, they are easy to deal with on not getting scammed. Besides that, you're backed up by your credit card payment to PayPal.
Hunting around for ammo I found websites claiming to have a discontinued ammunition. Upon calling, the voice on the other end was decidedly foreign and unfamiliar with California ammunition shipping

SO i'd recommend staying away from



If I am wrong and these are reputable dealers with offshore customer service let me know but I'm leary.....
I checked out Maxammodepot website. They seemed to have an amazing inventory. But it was totally disorganized and quality of images was inconsistent which threw up a red flag. They do offer classes for shooting so they must have some kind of physical facility, right? Checked the contact page and sure enough there's an address in TN. Googled the address and looked at photo. It's some kind of minimall of several offices in a house, none of which was Max. Definitely no space for warehousing any kind of inventory or indoor range. BS
Honor Armory appears to be a genuine outfit in Colorado. The address given is their north warehouse but photos of the large gunshop are on line.
Honor Armory appears to be a genuine outfit in Colorado. The address given is their north warehouse but photos of the large gunshop are on line.
Honor definitely seems to be a scam. I thought about ordering a few months ago and then decided to do a search because their website looked really hastily put together and their customer reviews all look like male models. SO checked the BBB and it wasn't good

Honor definitely seems to be a scam. I thought about ordering a few months ago and then decided to do a search because their website looked really hastily put together and their customer reviews all look like male models. SO checked the BBB and it wasn't good

Good work! I never thought of checking the Better Business Bureau. I read through the complaints. The gunshop photos are from some other gun store. Definitely a scam! Taking the money and not shipping anything or responding. Thanks for the alert. It's what makes this site great. Now anyone googling these two outfits to check on them will see these comments.
Seems these scam joints would be a slam dunk enforceable case...what am I missing??....layers of legal legerdemain?

@VikingsGuy ...need a gavel ruling
Seems these scam joints would be a slam dunk enforceable case...what am I missing??....layers of legal legerdemain?

@VikingsGuy ...need a gavel ruling
It's whack-a-mole. Especially if they are located outside US. Pop-up scams are very hard to track down the actual wrongdoers. I would guess this type of scam gets low priority from state and fed LEO and DAs.
Anyone watched "The Most Dangerous Man on the Internet"? Wow! I knew the internet can be a scary bozo zone but that show was beyond alarming. What I found hard to believe is a thirties something perverted utter disgusting waste of oxygen was LIVING WITH HIS PARENTS! If that turd had been my kid I would have shot him. Absolutely not kidding! Disowning wouldn't suffice. And when he's finally arrested Mom and Dad post hundred thousands bail to TAKE HIM HOME AGAIN. Ugh! Man, those two must have had some weird parenting skills! What I found truly scary was his huge cult following. What a sad statement on where American culture is headed.
I stopped the wife from getting scammed last year right at the last minute... don't remember the name of the outfit though. She was gonna get taken for 600 bucks and then have some bad actor with a bunch of her info.

It's gotten to the point that I research any online retailer I don't know. I just got done himming and hawwing over Miwall Corp cause I'd never heard of them and they were the first place I'd seen that actually had the 30-06 165 gr Hornady CX loads I'd been after. At about 7 bucks cheaper a box then all the other places I was waiting to get it in stock. I ended up ordering, and according to UPS they should be here Wednesday. It's sad that even though I saw positive reviews in about 5 different places and I've got a tracking number, I still won't fully trust em until they're in my hand.
Thanks for sharing your experience and warning us about these scam ammo websites.
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I stopped the wife from getting scammed last year right at the last minute... don't remember the name of the outfit though. She was gonna get taken for 600 bucks and then have some bad actor with a bunch of her info.

It's gotten to the point that I research any online retailer I don't know. I just got done himming and hawwing over Miwall Corp cause I'd never heard of them and they were the first place I'd seen that actually had the 30-06 165 gr Hornady CX loads I'd been after. At about 7 bucks cheaper a box then all the other places I was waiting to get it in stock. I ended up ordering, and according to UPS they should be here Wednesday. It's sad that even though I saw positive reviews in about 5 different places and I've got a tracking number, I still won't fully trust em until they're in my hand.
I had the same thoughts on Miwall but did some checking with the folks on accurate shooter and they said they were legit. Ordered 1K LR Mag primers and everything went smooth, little pricey but so is everything now
I hate PayPal for their policies on firearms. BUT, they are easy to deal with on not getting scammed. Besides that, you're backed up by your credit card payment to PayPal.
Just be sure to use a CC to fund a PPFF payment. It will cost you, but knowing that you can file a chargeback is a plus. If you choose to leave a note/comment use Happy Birthday or thanks for the loan.
Just be sure to use a CC to fund a PPFF payment. It will cost you, but knowing that you can file a chargeback is a plus. If you choose to leave a note/comment use Happy Birthday or thanks for the loan.
So you can pay for loaded ammo via paypal? mtmuley
I had the same thoughts on Miwall but did some checking with the folks on accurate shooter and they said they were legit. Ordered 1K LR Mag primers and everything went smooth, little pricey but so is everything now
Yeah I should’ve followed up on this thread. I didn’t have any issues with my order either.