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SB 143 - Next Steps

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Now that SB 143 is out of the Senate Committee, passed completely along party lines, even with many people say the comments were overwhelmingly opposed, there are more steps ahead to continue exert to pressure. Every step requires resistance, as does every bill.

For those interested in exerting more pressure against SB 143, here are the Senators who will be voting in the next day or two.

-----> If you are a resident, emphasize that this bill overturns a vote of the people who made an affirmative statement against this subsidy.

-----> If you are a non-resident, emphasize how much money you spend in Montana on hunting trips, scouting trips, vacations, and how this will reduce your opportunity to do just that.

When you do email, be polite, respectful, and to the point. Thanks for your advocacy.

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Thank you for this.

I purposefully replace the word subsidy with welfare.
Regarding best bang for the $... I've not funneled this many messages to individual Representatives in a couple/few years.
I want my time to count.

Options w/ a good list to email:

1. All messaged within one email "TO" category.
2. All messaged within one email "BCC" category.
3. Individual copy/paste my personalized message email specifying Representative's name "TO" each.

Do they solicit the same objective?
Thank you Big Fin. I was actually going to ask in the other thread discussing this bill if non-residents could do anything. I know being a non-resident doesn't have as much pull but I would like to be able to do something. Thanks for the update.
As a resident and a resident that doesn’t like to see nonresidents on public while I’m hunting this bill is a bit of a who cares for me they will still be there whether it passes or doesn’t. Add it to the other crap they are trying to pull and you can see where Montana is headed. Honestly everybody needs to be cut RESIDENTS and nonresidents and the opposite is being proposed. I’m not going to fight for nonresidents to come plow deer during the rut. The real issue isn't being addressed.
As a resident and a resident that doesn’t like to see nonresidents on public while I’m hunting this bill is a bit of a who cares for me they will still be there whether it passes or doesn’t. Add it to the other crap they are trying to pull and you can see where Montana is headed. Honestly everybody needs to be cut RESIDENTS and nonresidents and the opposite is being proposed. I’m not going to fight for nonresidents to come plow deer during the rut. The real issue isn't being addressed.
Attitudes like this leave me at a loss. Other issues certainly need addressed, but this issue is very real.
Attitudes like this leave me at a loss. Other issues certainly need addressed, but this issue is very real.
We voted on it and Montanans spoke it should have been left at that. I know how I voted.
But it wasn't left at that. It came back again. What are we going to do about it?
Continue to watch the spiral of Montana hunting I guess. None of this bills are good just when you think they can’t come up with a worse one they do.
Apparently timmy never leaves his home state ...
Sure I do I prefer to hunt states that actually have some sort of management, but I certainly don’t expect to do it every year. That wouldn’t be good for anybody.
I called every member of the committee only person who answered was Mr. Flowers. Awesome guy spoke to him for about 10minutes. 8 of which were about my opposition of this bill and thanking him for speaking up at the committee meeting. The other 2minutes we just shot the breeze. He told me he had personally received 700+ emails on opposition along with several hundred phone calls.

He told me as a NR keep doing what you are doing and be polite but to the point. Our voices while might be "annoying some other members of the comittee" (he laughed at and thought it was good) are being heard.

I hope my MT Resident friends can make their voices heard in the weeks to come. Several that I have spoken to said the fight starts now on their end. They knew no matter how many showed up at the committee it was going to come out like it did.
I called every member of the committee only person who answered was Mr. Flowers. Awesome guy spoke to him for about 10minutes. 8 of which were about my opposition of this bill and thanking him for speaking up at the committee meeting. The other 2minutes we just shot the breeze. He told me he had personally received 700+ emails on opposition along with several hundred phone calls.

He told me as a NR keep doing what you are doing and be polite but to the point. Our voices while might be "annoying some other members of the comittee" (he laughed at and thought it was good) are being heard.

I hope my MT Resident friends can make their voices heard in the weeks to come. Several that I have spoken to said the fight starts now on their end. They knew no matter how many showed up at the committee it was going to come out like it did.
I may try to call Mr. Flowers this week!
Emails sent to all!
The same with me; along with a separate e-mail to all of the Montana Senators voicing my opposition to Senate Bill 111 (which opens the door to crossbows in Montana) which I believe is also scheduled to hit the senate floor on Monday, February 15th.

New to your platform here, thanks for all the great content and for raising awareness on issues like these! As a non-resident to Montana (who would love to come hunt in your state one day), I'd obviously be negatively affected by this bill. Hopefully I'm not too late voicing my opposition to this bill, but I did just reach out to the above officials (very politely) via the email addresses you supplied.

Keep pushing the great content and thanks for advocating for DIY hunters and public land access!
It breaks my heart to report that the Legislature opened a back door to this issue today as part of an Agency clean up bill. I am not 100% certain of the details because I had it on the background, but it appears on the 2nd to last day, Rep Berglee inserted by amendment 3000 tags to outfitters whose clients didn't draw. No amount of mental gymnastics that they will ask us to do, will change that this is shoving an unpopular idea in at the last minute to avoid your comments. This will now go to the full house without additional hearings or public comment and likely be voted on today/tomorrow. Please reach out as fast as humanly possible to the addresses above and let them hear from you.
It breaks my heart to report that the Legislature opened a back door to this issue today as part of an Agency clean up bill. I am not 100% certain of the details because I had it on the background, but it appears on the 2nd to last day, Rep Berglee inserted by amendment 3000 tags to outfitters whose clients didn't draw. No amount of mental gymnastics that they will ask us to do, will change that this is shoving an unpopular idea in at the last minute to avoid your comments. This will now go to the full house without additional hearings or public comment and likely be voted on today/tomorrow. Please reach out as fast as humanly possible to the addresses above and let them hear from you.
Man, that is disgusting.
Montana puts a cap on nonresident licenses for a reason -- to maintain it as a quality hunt. My NR friends who come here, and I have many, say they appreciate that. There is no limit in this bill now, HB 637, that keeps these one time outfitter sponsored licenses to 3,000. Could be unlimited.
It breaks my heart to report that the Legislature opened a back door to this issue today as part of an Agency clean up bill. I am not 100% certain of the details because I had it on the background, but it appears on the 2nd to last day, Rep Berglee inserted by amendment 3000 tags to outfitters whose clients didn't draw. No amount of mental gymnastics that they will ask us to do, will change that this is shoving an unpopular idea in at the last minute to avoid your comments. This will now go to the full house without additional hearings or public comment and likely be voted on today/tomorrow. Please reach out as fast as humanly possible to the addresses above and let them hear from you.
Agency clean-up bill was HB 637. I do see where the max payment to a landowner through Block Management was decreased from $25,000 to $17,500. However, I need help finding the SB 143 amendment to that bill. Am I looking in the wrong place or at the wrong version?

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