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Santorum to end hunting on Public Lands in Idaho

Obama would never consider coming close to touching anybodies gun rights.

MILLER: Obama’s fast and furious spin
Sneaky White House budget provisions undermine the Second Amendment

By Emily Miller

The Washington Times

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

President Obama is using his budget to advance an anti-gun agenda just before the election. One particularly sneaky provision buried deep within his submission to Congress Monday would, if enacted, allow the mistakes of the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal to be repeated.

In November, the president signed the Justice Department appropriations bill, which included language from Sen. John Cornyn, Texas Republican, prohibiting federal agencies from facilitating the transfer of an operable firearm to an individual known or suspected to be in a drug cartel, unless they monitor the weapon at all times.

Now Mr. Obama is proposing to remove that provision from the 2013 spending bill, thus making it legal to revive gun-walking operations in the future. The White House justification is merely that the prohibition is "not necessary."

Mr. Cornyn did not buy this explanation. "I understand the president has 'complete confidence' in Attorney General [Eric] Holder to not carry out further gun-walking operations like Fast and Furious, but 99 U.S. senators voted otherwise," he told The Washington Times on Wednesday, referring to the upper chamber's unanimous vote in October approving the amendment.

Even Democrats wanted to prevent the Justice Department from scheming to have guns sent over the border to Mexican drug cartels after the botched scheme led to the death of a border agent. Liberal Sen. Barbara Mikulski surprised many with her outspoken support for Mr. Cornyn's amendment. "Fast and Furious was brought to an end but with terrible problems," said the Maryland Democrat. "Hundreds of Mexican citizens have died, our own law enforcement people have died, and we have to do something about it."

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, has been investigating the administration's role in Fast and Furious. When asked by The Washington Times about the White House attempt to change policy, the California Republican replied, "It's bewildering that anyone would seek to strip a legal prohibition on federal agents walking guns, considering the well-known tragic consequences."

Mr. Obama's budget contains other gun-grabbing surprises. The White House is looking to reclaim authority to destroy surplus M1 Garand rifles and M1 Carbines. For 30 years, the Defense Department has been blocked from scrapping these collectible firearms that served our soldiers well in World War II and the Korean War. The administration also wants to melt down the military's spent brass casings, thwarting gun owners who have been buying and recycling the surplus materials.

The president's budget would also restore millions in funding to the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control so they can pump out junk science studies claiming handguns are a public health hazard.

Mr. Obama is becoming more brazen in his disdain for the Second Amendment as his first term winds down, perhaps in an attempt to rally his dispirited liberal base headed into November. For those who believe in the right of the people to keep and bear arms, this ought to serve as an equally loud wake-up call.
I have hunted on WWP land (East Fork of the Salmon, old Greenfire Ranch), so I know there isn't any issue there. You can make up whatever imaginary boogey-men you need, but make sure you are supporting groups that actually protect Public Lands and don't spend money building Headquarter Mansions/Buildings/Museums, publishing slick magazines, and the likes of most of the "feel-good" hunting groups.

Now I see where you are coming from. You are obviously one of Marvels cronies. This is the same Marvel that abuses the EAJA causing all federal agencies to be so bogged down with legal crap that it's no wonder they are dysfunctional. The same Marvel that got so enraged at the thought of Idaho being in control of wolves that he was almost charged with an assault of then director of the fish and game due to an altercation following a public forum. The same Marvel that did everything he could in an effort to make sure we didn't have a wolf hunt in Idaho. Now all of your previous posts come into focus. It saddens me to think that there are people so naive as to believe that someone like this is good for hunters. Marvel has built a following of glass pipe smoking tree huggers and anyone who views him or his organization as good for hunters is either high or an idiot.
Now I see where you are coming from. You are obviously one of Marvels cronies. This is the same Marvel that abuses the EAJA causing all federal agencies to be so bogged down with legal crap that it's no wonder they are dysfunctional. The same Marvel that got so enraged at the thought of Idaho being in control of wolves that he was almost charged with an assault of then director of the fish and game due to an altercation following a public forum. The same Marvel that did everything he could in an effort to make sure we didn't have a wolf hunt in Idaho. Now all of your previous posts come into focus. It saddens me to think that there are people so naive as to believe that someone like this is good for hunters. Marvel has built a following of glass pipe smoking tree huggers and anyone who views him or his organization as good for hunters is either high or an idiot.

I can't wait to hear about why your an idiot for posting this. ;)
Kind of funny we have coward fear mongerers that cant think for themselves like Jose, screaming how all alone a Republican president would destroy the air, land and water while selling off all the land in the west all by themselves, yet Obama who has made all his thoughts on gun rights, the constitution, and capitalism very clear can't accomplish all the things he promised guys like Jose during his candidacy. According to Jose, Obama gets a pass since its Obama, Congress, and the Courts, but if you only talked to Jose about a republican getting into office all of sudden our republic is transformed into a sole dictatorship.

Jose you need to crawl back into the damp hole you crawled out of, if think you can talk down to everyone with a different opinion than your own, especially since most of the things your tearing down other people for your guilty of your self to a higher degree. Everyone else from Ben to Sweetnectar are more than capable of being civil while disagreeing, but you got to be "fuggin" kidding me.

There isnt a canidate yet thats perfect or worth my vote yet.
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I'd rather get kicked in the nuts everyday for the rest of my life than give one cent to the WWP. What a joke of an organization.

Jon Marvel is a jackass.
Welcome back Jose, this is the first SI thread of a pol vent to reach more than 3 posts since Buzz's Bush vacation diatribes...funny how that's worked huh?
Let me get this straight, It's OK that the Republican candidates want to sell off our public lands, because they can't succeed doing so by themselves, even though all they really need is the stroke of a pen. We should be wary of Nobama in his lame duck term because he will take away the bill of rights all by himself, even though it will take a 2/3Rd's, support from congress? Do I have it right? Just checking because I need to figure this chit out here. Right now, I'm writing in BEN LAMB for president.
I'm writing in BEN LAMB for president.

Sounds good maybe there is a reason to go to the polls this November.
Outright gun ban??? Holy shit. You definitely are drinking NRA kool-aid if you are making up fantasy worries while ignoring policy statements for guys running for president that want to sell Public Lands.

At some point, ignorance is going to get what it deserves, and have fun with not hunting any more. :W:

I guess you don't remember the Assault Rifle Ban in the 90's? I don't think it would take a cup of Kool-aid to resurrect that puppy...

You're some point ignorance is going to get what it deserves. They got it in Britian, Australia, and Canada.
Oh the humanity of this thread!!!!

Seems how people think that the president has all power...if Jose was president what would that mean, besides having to wear a chichen feather scarf?
I guess you don't remember the Assault Rifle Ban in the 90's? I don't think it would take a cup of Kool-aid to resurrect that puppy...

You're some point ignorance is going to get what it deserves. They got it in Britian, Australia, and Canada.

I second this. It will be very difficult, if not impossible due to special interest groups' involvement, to sell off the Federal land in the West. Not saying it couldn't happen, but it will take much more than a President who mentioned it in a speech once.

On the flip side, the Chicago Liberal Democratic Machine, of which Nobama is a proud graduate, has introduced bills in the Illinois House to ban semi-automatic firearms. Not just ban them going forward, but "you've got 90 days to turn in your weapons".

These bills were crafted and pushed, along with a proposed bill - not yet in drafted form - for a registry of all firearms, by former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, now Mayor of the City of Chicago (despite not actually satisfying the residence requirement in Chicago until he was elected - explain that to me). Anyone who believes that Obama thinks differently than this is deluding themselves.

As noted before, both Heller and MacDonald were 5/4 decisions in the US Supreme Court. Contrary to what some posters on here have said, the Supreme Court overturns 5/4 precedents all the time. It may not be an express "over ruling", it may be "modifying the result" - the end result is the same.

While I do not support any candiate or elected official who proposes to sell Federal Lands, I am not convinced that any such proposal would ever make it into statutory form. On the other hand, we are less than 10 years removed from an actual, statutory ban on certain firearms, including legitimate sporting firearms, and there are several states wherein these firearms and more are still banned. I would rather take my chances with a fanciful plan that will likely never see the light of day, than re-elect a man who, along with his political party, are so anti-gun and anti-hunter that one must either be intellectually dishonest or blind not to see it.
Kool-aid? Kagan and Sotomayor are kool-aid? Their votes are pretty clear.

I don't think Obama will push for an outright gun ban. But anti-gun SC Justices will be no less detrimental.

So you are more afraid of imaginary appointments to the SCOTUS in the future that might hear some imaginary cases in the future than you are of the leading GOP Presidential candidate out on the stump making speeches about selling Public Lands in the west.

Yeah, I would say you are drinking kool-aid from the NRA.
Now I see where you are coming from. You are obviously one of Marvels cronies. This is the same Marvel that abuses the EAJA causing all federal agencies to be so bogged down with legal crap that it's no wonder they are dysfunctional. The same Marvel that got so enraged at the thought of Idaho being in control of wolves that he was almost charged with an assault of then director of the fish and game due to an altercation following a public forum. The same Marvel that did everything he could in an effort to make sure we didn't have a wolf hunt in Idaho. Now all of your previous posts come into focus. It saddens me to think that there are people so naive as to believe that someone like this is good for hunters. Marvel has built a following of glass pipe smoking tree huggers and anyone who views him or his organization as good for hunters is either high or an idiot.

Please explain to me how anyone "abuses the EAJA"....

This should be rich....

Kind of funny we have coward fear mongerers that cant think for themselves like Jose, screaming how all alone a Republican president would destroy the air, land and water while selling off all the land in the west all by themselves, yet Obama who has made all his thoughts on gun rights, the constitution, and capitalism very clear can't accomplish all the things he promised guys like Jose during his candidacy. According to Jose, Obama gets a pass since its Obama, Congress, and the Courts, but if you only talked to Jose about a republican getting into office all of sudden our republic is transformed into a sole dictatorship.

Jose you need to crawl back into the damp hole you crawled out of, if think you can talk down to everyone with a different opinion than your own, especially since most of the things your tearing down other people for your guilty of your self to a higher degree. Everyone else from Ben to Sweetnectar are more than capable of being civil while disagreeing, but you got to be "fuggin" kidding me.

There isnt a canidate yet thats perfect or worth my vote yet.

Pretty sure I can think for myself. That is why I went to the Santorum speech to see what he had to say, and, that is why, while sitting in and listening, I posted out about his stance on Public Lands, and, why 8 hours later, the Statesman was printing the same thing.

You can worry all you want about "Obama's thoughts on gun rights, the constitution, and capitalism" while I worry about having access to high quality public lands for me to hunt.
Santorum scares nearly every swing voter in the country. I bet the Obama campaign is asking their donors to give to Santorum's SuperPac. His stance on public lands is just the tip of the iceberg of how his beliefs are outside the comfot zone of independents. Independent voters decide elections and Santorum is driving them away in droves.

I can't believe we are going to nominate either a plastic candidate or a nut case like Santorum. I don't know where all the conservatives have gone.
