SAME Person....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho

I went from "moose hunter" back in the HIS days.. then the Easyboard when I started I was "Moose" then was Coined the Name "Moosie". I've since evolved to upgrading my new name. With 4 boys looking up to me and about 2000 members, Sometimes I feel like a Papa to all of you.

So I'm now "Papa Moose".

Any thoughts ?
.........Gunner, I write ROTFLMAO alot of times when I think a Post is funny. That one I truely Laughed out loud. You're a F'ing comedian !!!!!! I'm still chuckling as I type that. HAHA !!

Hey, I actually got the Idea (Truth be told) from Doug Manchester. We were working on his Whitetail Developement project in McCall. You ever see his Webpage ? I thought i had alot of pictures about me ... ;) :D:D

I told some of my realestate Friends When I started Buying houses I was gonig to get that big. Althuogh I never will, I liked the Idea of PAPA Moose.
i think papa moose is to strong a name for about plays with moose or faggy cousin moose?
I"ve seen the "Dancing Moosie" vids.. Papa Moose just isn't fitting. Perhaps you could be Bro'Moose or "MooseDre" or "XMoose"... Something more in line with the dance video and the pan picture..

I think if you start a "hunt talk for kids" you can be papa moose. But you never be my daddy...Always Oscar or Moosie.:D Maybe "milkshake moosie"...somebody was gonna say it sooner or later!:)
Papa Moose=Mother Goose!

I think I still prefer Moosie out of any of the names you've used. Papa Moose makes you sound like an old stuffy man, instead of the shit stirrin, goof off that we all know you are!!

With all the multiple personality disorders around this place maybe I should get an alter-ego. Maybe the "Incredile Hulk", "Buff Dude" or "Flamer Guy"...:rolleyes:

The newest Hunttalk merchandise product... get your official Hunttalk strait-jacket..;)
Sounds like the name of Captain Kangaroo's perverted 3rd cousin, twice removed who they never let be on the show. :)
sneakem said:

With all the multiple personality disorders around this place maybe I should get an alter-ego. Maybe the "Incredile Hulk", "Buff Dude" or "Flamer Guy"...:rolleyes:

The newest Hunttalk merchandise product... get your official Hunttalk strait-jacket..;)
....perhaps 'azbuffazPaulRubens':rolleyes:
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