Yeti GOBOX Collection

Salmon fishing halted on the Columbia River

Why was the run of 2002 of historical proportions (post dam era) ? And the start of this years run so dismal. Do you think it had to do with the drought and the amount of water allowed over the dams or possibly the water temps during the smolts journey to the salt. Do you think that by removing the dams the runs will return to the pre-dam numbers? What about logging and erosion , what about the crap that enters the storm drains and enters creeks rivers and streams, what about the commercial gill nets, what about the millions of sportees, what about the indian gill nets, what about the illegal sewage dumped in the rivers , what about the large manufacturers that dump illegally into the waters and the average home owner that lives by one of the tributaries that throws yard waste into the river or stream...... face it there are an awful lot of variables,..... :MAD flame on , Ironhead

The salmon runs of 2002 were not of historical proportions...hysterical, yes. Historical runs on the Columbia were in the neighborhood of 30 million a year...a "good" year now is still around 800K a great year 1 million. Also salmon runs in 1999-2001 were much better than last year. As ringer pointed out, some of the 2000-2002 runs were 2 and 3 salt fish (4-5 year olds) and the residuals of the 1996-97 snow years.

First of all, its not dam removal...its dam breaching...big difference.

Do I think the dam breeching will work? Yes, depending on your definition. Will the anadromous fish run be what it was historically? No. Will breaching keep fish off the ESA and have adequate numbers to support limited commercial and decades of sport fishing? Yes. There are 130 top fisheries biologists from at least 20 agencies that all agree on that...all outlined, documented, and researched in various documents including the PATH report.

The funny thing about all the other items you mention is that, as hard as it may be to believe, much of Idahos spawning habitat is actually in GOOD-EXCELLENT condition. Take the Lochsa, Selway, and Salmon rivers (and their tributaries)...much of that country is in Wilderness designation and has some of the best rearing habitat for anadromous fish found ANYWHERE. Its in good shape...we just cant get fish there to use it. The few that use it, have their smolt chewed up in turbines or die of nitrogen poisoning below the dams. Again, theres mountains of studies on the condition of Idahos anadromous fish spawning habitat, its intact, in good condition, and ready to be utilized.

Let me also say that IF runs are returned to say 2-3 million per year...that would be 2-3 times the amount of fish currently entering the Columbia (on a good year). That would be more than enough to allow and support a very lucrative sport fishing industry as well as providing a decent commercial harvest. In the "good" years of 1999-2001 the economic impacts of good runs and associated sport fishing was staggering to the local economies of Kamiah, Kooskia, Orifino, Riggins, etc.

The problems are not pollution, gill nets, lack of spawning habitat, commercial harvest, sea lions, or Indians...its the dams. Absolutely no doubt. You cant kill 95% of the smolt and expect much in return.

Oh, and the water temps and smolt moving answer that. The drought would have an impact, as the corp of engineers would/will be holding water big-time. In a free-flowing river the smolt used to make it to the ocean, tail first, in about 2 weeks...they now have to SWIM head first for 8 weeks (if they're lucky) to get to the salt.

You can try to blame all the other items you listed...but its really worrying about the mice while the elephants are grinding you into taco-filling. There is over-whelming and unarguable proof that the dams are the leading culprit by a long, long, long shot.

Oh, and ringer, there was never really much talk of dam breaching even 10 years ago...most of it has been in the last 5-6 years. So, who knows what a different administration will think about the issue. If you get a fiscally responsible candidate, they will soon see that it makes economic sense to breach at least the 4 snake river dams. I honest to god, think it will happen.

I bet 20 years ago nobody thought we'd have dumped 1 billion on trying to restore anadromous fish either...but thats where we're at today...
Hey, I hope you figure it out and get huge runs again 'cause I am a salmon catchin' fool with 30 years of practice! I fished the Clearwater in the mid to late 70's and used to love that river.
Its not figuring it out, its having people with enough courage and leadership to let it happen...

I agree with you that the Clearwater is a great river, and what sucks is that I was ripped off for 21 years when there wasnt enough fish for even brood-stock, let alone a sport fishing season.
Buzz why are you and the Gummer allowing this trend to continue? :confused: Its been how long? and its getting worse? ;)

I`m not in disagreement in any way...But what are you guys waiting for? A miracle? :rolleyes:

Say Gunner if you feel so passionate about this issue... uh you might want to follow the "white trash lawn chair" brigade and get some NATIONAL ATTENTION for your cause...Or are you going to just sit on your fat ass and bitch about it? :D :D :)
CJ-Now that was just freakin' perfect. By now we should be hearing about the "decademan project" or the "green trash brigade". Where is the real action after bashing the border issue and the resulting action that it created? Too funny. :D
BUZZ, I am down with the breaching of dams , but that being said the lower columbia is a chit hole compared to the spawning grounds in ID. There are some serious issues down there also on some of the lower tribs the logging and erosion has put a serious hurt on the spawning grounds.
The run of 02 was one of the largest returns we have had since the dams were put in (post dam era). I am not fightin against ya, I just like the to get all the issues up front. I know this is a big C issue , but some of the variables I have mentioned are real problems on some of the Northern puget sound stocks as well as the OP stocks, keep fighting the good fight, Ironhead

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