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S. Dakota Hunter's Body Found


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Sad situation with, at the least, closure for family and friends.

InReach/Spot, etc... The value these compact GPS communication devices present when chit hits the fan *could be life changing. Unknown surrounds this situation as his body was just found.

This setting, a rendezvous between hunting partners, is common as heck for my hunts w/ others. I've been in a few settings waiting beyond the time when silent questions start rolling...

Did he get something? I didn't hear any shots fired...

Eerie feelings start rolling as time continues to tick then... Whew! There he is.

Odd to think, I recently loaned my InReach to a fellow S. Dakotan HT member for his hunt trip last year. Like a concealed firearm;
"Better to have and not need than to need and not have"

original story

I was the fortunate SD hunter that borrowed your Inreach. I was hunting approximately 2 weeks after this guy went missing. I was also hunting within 5 miles of where he was last seen. I hunted for elk and a body when I was in the Hills. I was fortunate enough to find the first, but not the latter. The S and R teams were out while I was there. I would not enjoyed finding him, but would have liked to help bring answers to the family. I have not heard any thing about autopsy results, and it's none of my business, just hope he didn't suffer.
I've brought this subject up before about the importance of having some sort of PLB and every time there are guys who act like having one is taking away their man card.
Closure for the family, I also hope that he didn't suffer.......with that said, I'm sure that he went doing something that he loved out in Mother Nature's splendor.

My wife insisted that I purchase a G. InReach mini due to getting older and the places that I find myself each fall. To her frustration, I only sent her two text messages late last November. Might be time to actually start using it for the folks waiting at home piece of mind.
Since my dad is also that age. I would like to say that I wouldn't allow him to separate in the mountains. But in reality sometimes you forget someones age or they convince you otherwise, or you just don't even think about it. I feel for the nephew and the whole family, and I hope it was quick and painless and he died doing what he loved to do.
I hope the discovery of his body helps the family heal.

It is easy to forget just how quickly things can become truly dangerous when hunting. I have had a GPS communication device for quite a while. Fortunately it has only been used to send a message to my wife each evening, when there is no cell service.

This last fall, I had a close call that could have been far worse. I was riding my horse up a trail when it gradually petered out. The terrain ahead looked no different than what we had been over. But under the snow, it was different, very different. It was talus, that was very slick. My horse lost his footing and amazingly was able to right himself. Nearly as amazing to me, I was able to stay on him. It was so close to being very bad.

Be careful,, and carry something that can call in the cavalry if you need them.
Very sad. My InReach is with me at all times. There are a ton of gear items to skimp on and be cheap about but a SOS/PLB device is absolutely not one of them if you are hunting in remote areas.
Wow, just crazy. But it reminds me that I need to have a locator beacon of some sort in my pack when hiking around out there. What do y'all recommend? I'm not necessarily concerned with being able to send updates. Mostly I think I just want an SOS button if something happens and I need someone to come get me.
That’s sad to hear about the hunter.

The ability to text loved ones from anywhere and receive messages back is great. I have never used mine for an emergency but I use it all the time to communicate arrival times or if something is going to delay me.
Saves a lot of worry.
As with everyone above, I can't stress enough of having some PLB. Whatever the obstacle, overcome it to get one. In Hunter Ed and other classes I teach, I attempt to make converts. When I see stories like this I wonder what the outcome might have been had they had one (without knowing this particular stories details). I saw IR Mini's for $200 over Memorial day, and on ebay they go for that; add in $10 for a month of service. Cheapest hunting insurance you will ever buy.
I carry a cell phone for work and my dream is to never carry one again when I retire. We will see ? I do a lot of solo hunting because of my work schedule and will continue. If I would perish in the outdoors at least I was doing what I enjoyed. No it's no Man card thing, I just know I can't carry everything in my pack just in case I need it.
Just FYI last time I hunted the Blackhills was when you could but a tag over the counter for a Buck tag and yes this was a solo hunt and when I spent my coldest night late November -20 one morning.
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I recently purchased The Zoleo Satellite Communicator. I use onXmap on my phone so I was mainly interested in something that would allow me to keep in touch with my wife when I am out of cell range hunting National Forest in the Appalachian Mountains. The Zoleo is a great value if you don’t need a mapping feature. The cost is only $199 for the device, with three monthly plans to choose from.

It is designed to be used with an App on your smart phone that basically turns your smart phone into a Satellite Communicator for texting only. It has 200 hour battery life, and weighs only 5 oz. If your cell phone battery dies it will still work as a stand alone device allowing you to press a “check in” button and it will text an “I’m OK” message with your gps coordinates to your designated contact. There is also an SOS button that will alert GEOS to send the Calvary if the bear is chewing on you or the mess hits the fan. Its a great option for my needs.
This is a good wake-up call. As I approach 70 life is changing. My son has moved with a job and I can see at least three weeks per year of hunting alone with a horse. The company is good, the conversation is somewhat one sided and the potential for a deadly wreck is increasing. I hate the concept of my horse lost in the woods and a good gun going to waste. I'm expendable.

I know I'm asking for a lot but could you provide a little more input on these gps locator units for finding the body. I think it may be time for a purchase.
I went with an ACR personal locator as pictured in the video. Everyone has their preferences. Registration every 5 years is painless and it doesn’t require monitoring by a third party or a contract. As a merchant mariner I am most familiar with their use and dependability. It is strictly Emergency Use only.
I know there are a lot of options out there but I have had it for many years and don’t feel the need to make a change..
I went with an ACR personal locator as pictured in the video. Everyone has their preferences. Registration every 5 years is painless and it doesn’t require monitoring by a third party or a contract. As a merchant mariner I am most familiar with their use and dependability. It is strictly Emergency Use only.
I know there are a lot of options out there but I have had it for many years and don’t feel the need to make a change..

Me too

2017-12-09 13.09.17.jpg-PLB.jpg

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