Rylie and Ally - Girl Power - Double Whitey Saturday


Well-known member
May 20, 2011
Helena, Montana
Spent several days chasing deer with the two girls over Thanksgiving.

They were both very picky for the first couple days. Ally had a REALLY nice whitetail in her sights on Thursday morning but he was bedded and we only had a head shot.

He finally got up but he chased a smaller buck into the brush. I think we could have waited him out and he would have showed as we had him cornered in a small patch of brush but we had to bail in order to not miss Thankgiving dinner and get our butts kicked by the Boss Lady.

Headed back down on Friday and tried to find him but couldn't re-locate him or any other "shooter" bucks, although we saw tons of smaller ones.

Loaded up both girls on Saturday morning and we decided to shoot the first two four point or better bucks we ran across as time was getting short.

Saw a couple bucks right off the bat and Ally and I made a long sneak on them and a four point presented a nice, 200 yard broadside shot so Ally took it and make a perfect shot.

We headed back to the truck to get Rylie and make the retrieval. When we got back to the truck we took a quick look around and saw another similar buck.

Rylie decided he would work so off we go. Made a nice sneak and got within a couple hundred yards and Rylie put the smack down on him as well.

Two bucks by 10:30 and having breakfast by 11:30 made for a pretty fun day for Dad and the two ladies.

Hunting season sure went fast this year but the girls did pretty decent.

Ally shot a nice antelope, a five point bull and this whitetail buck.

Rylie shot a moose, and her buck. She didnt have a lot of time to hunt with school, work and all the things that high school girls are busy with.

I sure had fun spending some time with the girls in the outdoors.


Congrats to your daughters, from what I've seen on here your daughters have already had a more successful hunting career than me. Also, congrats on the time you're spending with them, that's going to be priceless in the long-run.
Wow. Beautiful daughters and great bucks. You are very blessed. I hope my daughter enjoys hunting when she gets older. Congratulations to all of you!!
That is Awesome, Congratulations! I have 1 year old twin daughters and I can't wait until they are able to hunt.
That's really cool.
They had a couple awesome seasons.
Congrats to the whole family.
Very cool story and pics. Your girls have had a better season than many guys have over ten years.

So great they are spending this kind of time with you when the trendy thing with teens these days seems to be hanging out in places other than the outdoors. Nice to know they are not "too cool" to hang out with Dad.

Hope next season is even more fun for all of you.

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