

New member
Nov 28, 2001
Any one know about the edibility these critters if they are in an area with bubonic sp. plague?
I have searched all over the web and can't seem to find out if you can kill the little creepy crawleys by cooking them out like you can other problems...
I have found out that there is not much if any thing in Montana that will get me if I eat these little varmints, but would just like to make sure I am on the safe side...
If you are that sure that you want to eat them. I would call the local state biologist.

To be safe take a live chicken and kill it when you are hungry. That way it don't spoil
Elkchasr,cooking over slow heat for an extended period until well done,or slow boiling, will kill any pathological bacteria on earth.Think crock-pot cooking,when it comes to pathogens,and you will be ok.The only things that are really resistent to a lot of things are anthrax and TB spores.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-27-2003 08:38: Message edited by: Seldom Ever ]</font>
Thanks Seldom...
I don't think the chicken thing would do well, they don't travel very well in bear, cat, and coyote country..LOL..

Just to let a few of you in on the depth of what I am up to, I am working my week pack down to 20 pounds, leaving sleeping bag, tent and what not at home. I have been working on survival technics that would have me out indefinatly on pretty much nothing but what I have in my pockets eventually..
This is just some of the survival fair I will be dealing with. I had heard that a fellow a few years back died of the plauge, I did do some checking on the internet of the dispersal of that one, and it is pretty sparce. I have been learning edible plants and where the best places for water. Even in areas that don't have water, this is some of the things I practice when on extended stays in the mountains..
TB would have been my only other concern and I will still look it up very soon, but I am not thinking as long as things are as Seldom put it, slow cooked, then I should be pretty safe...
As for those that think this is nuts...
and I am going to give it all a go over, even if it does do me in...
Elkchasr,remember you can pick up anthrax mostly when you skin an animal.Do it with gloves and mask and you'll be ok.Even then,it's usually found in bovine species like buffalo,etc.I don't think you'll find much TB in the wild.

Remember to slow cook for hours,it will tenderize the meat to a perfection and destroy any bacteria if you do it correctly.
Steam cooked food is another way to do it.
Theres not many rats in the areas that I frequent...LOL...
Mostly ground dogs of some sort or another, and things that hang out in trees...
Ever read about how the Indians made jerky,and how it lasted for months without spoiling ? Same way with tribes in Africa,and there version of jerky,known as Biltong.

The idea is to slow heat and dehydrate,it sterilizes the meat.

That would be another way to prepare ground rat,etc.
Instead of haveing a string of horses behind elkchaser. He will have a string of chickens. Can't wait to see that picture.

When it comes to survival you have to do what it takes to win (live).
I usually cook things over an open fire with a stick poked in it...
When I cook liquid substances, I use a little stainless steel cup that I got at WallyWorld. Works very well, some times it takes a while to get things all done up, but I travel lighter with this assortment and one needs to learn out in the wilds that one needs to slow down and savore every moment...
That is very true. It is great when you can get out and slow down and appreciate what you have. Enjoy the time away and what your looking at and life in general. I wish I had more time to spend enjoying everything that nature has to offer.
I try and spend at least six weeks in this mode during hunting season, I wish I had way more time also...Months would be closer, years would fit the bill..
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