Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Road Warriors Get To Work


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
Well Team Road Warriors are starting early and sending a message to all other teams!

So I’m enjoying a leisurely drive home on the interstate last night when out of nowhere a big rooster comes flying out of the ditch at top speed. Wham! Dead center on my grill at 60 mph equals a huge cloud of feathers. I slow down and notice he is still on the front of my car. I am assuming the worst and trying to calculate what a new grill and radiator cost. As I walk around the front of my car, I see this rooster with both feet neatly stuck side by side in my grill. Unbelievably he is hanging upside down, apparently no worse for wear. Well he looks up at me and I can almost hear him saying “What are you looking at? Are you going to give me a hand here or what jerk wad?” Tough bird, but what did you expect, he lives in ND! He was quickly dispatched and Team Road Warrior is on the board. What are the SCI scores for pheasent cause this one was a bruiser?

Another example that road hunting is very effective! I was disapointed I didn't get it done from my ATV, but it's a good start.


Um yeah, this is a contest for big game animals. Something about reading comprehension and ND schools comes to mind, but if you don’t have anything nice to say………………

I’ll be impressed when you have a 180 muley in your grill just by the back legs.
Um yeah, this is a contest for big game animals. Something about reading comprehension and ND schools comes to mind, but if you don’t have anything nice to say……………….

I just said we were tough, not smart!;)
Buschy I knew you were excited about this team event but I think you might have taken it a little to far. But I do like the fact you are trying to bank a few points for the team.

But I think you deserve bonus points for the following reasons
Style points on the hit and capture
Spending NO money on shells
And actually getting fatter by not burning any calories in the harvest of the bird!
Pretty cool catch for sure. Looks like he still broke your grill unfortunately.
Since the odds of this are quite ridiculous you can have one point in my book. Pretty sure you couldn't pull that off again if you tried.
I call B.S.. Nobody drives 60mph on the interstate in ND. More like 80 or 90.Now if you were in town???? or you were driving in the flood waters.
righteous, great story do you have to call that in for a carcass tag? ahahahahha
surprised he doesnt have webed feet? how are those birds stayin high and dry there?
Dinkshooter Um yeah, this is a contest for big game animals. Something about reading comprehension and ND schools comes to mind, but if you don’t have anything nice to say………………

WTH...I think someone is a little cranky! We all know what is happening here Dink...your neighbors has cut you off! Yep that has to be it! Besides...who made the dumb rule that Pheasants aren't big game anyhow...I call BS!
haha That is awesome. Reminds me of the time my Dad hit a rooster and it shattered his windshield. He came home cussin. So my brother and I went back to where he had hit it (during the winter so it was froze solid) and we had it mounted flipping the bird. Gave it to Dad for Christmas.