Road blocks in New Mexico


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2019
New Mexico
All Law enforcement agencies, including BLM and National Forest enforcement officiers will be conducting road blocks this hunting season. Make sure yawl have the habitat permits, stamps, licenses, tags and off road permits etc. They will be going through your rigs with a fine tooth comb so make sure you have all of your ducks in a row. Delays are to be expected so give yourself plenty of time. Good luck!
...but no one around when you call in a poacher or trespasser. Everyone is at roadblocks,G&F,Staties & deputies. Make sure you have written permission with you hunting private/public too.
I get this e mail each year. Do not remember the last road block I have seen. 20 years, maybe.

I second being prepared. Murphy law if you are not prepared, it will happen.
I’ve yet to see one set up but the area we hunt isn’t exactly a hotbed for traffic. I’ve often thought we’d get stopped heading out of state but haven’t so far.
I have seen some sad sacks sitting on roadside in cuffs with whole truck/trailer/camp gone thru by FS-LEO,2 G&F, 2 deputies doing the going thru near Reserve during hunting season. They like traffic stops too for this reason,safety in numbers then.
Haven't seen a game check roadblock since I was a kid. My older cousin told me a story, don't know if it was true but I believed him at the time. I Later learned my older cousins were full of BS about half the time. He said he knew these folks that never got a license or tags. They had a cabover camper and any deer they killed would be put in there along with the guns for the ride home. The two women would put on nice dresses, fix their hair and put on some makeup. They would take the camper truck while the men followed behind in another truck. If they got stopped the women would say they were just a couple of gals going to town and they were allowed to pass. The guys would just say "Nope, not hunting."

I thought about adding the Gila is a different animal. More elk and more illegals.

The only game warden I have ever seen was on a barbary hunt on a isolated section surrounded by private. Who would have thunk it.

I thought about adding the Gila is a different animal. More elk and more illegals.

The only game warden I have ever seen was on a barbary hunt on a isolated section surrounded by private. Who would have thunk it. are correct BD. The stops & RB's I have seen in Gila area are right in Reserve on main hwy,near the AZ border on 60 & where Apache Creek hits 12.
You will see way more elk than LEO's & rarely see an illegal anywhere in Gila. I have gotten same email for years with RB warnings.
This year it may very well be to help keep the "rif raff" out of the hunting areas. We have had an issue lately with jihadists and right wing extremists holed up. So far just the NE quadrant of the state. The guys been tellin me to carry a sidearm this fall. I tend to ignore things like that but I think this year I will.
All Law enforcement agencies, including BLM and National Forest enforcement officiers will be conducting road blocks this hunting season. Make sure yawl have the habitat permits, stamps, licenses, tags and off road permits etc. They will be going through your rigs with a fine tooth comb so make sure you have all of your ducks in a row. Delays are to be expected so give yourself plenty of time. Good luck!
Yawl sure spell y’all funny.

Met a NM game warden one time. We were just finishing quartering up two antelope bucks at our camp and had blood up to our elbows. All he wanted to know was how to get to the paved road. He was from the other end of the state and was just up around Roy to help them during their antelope season.
We should not forfeit due process to aid law enforcement in their impossible task.

Should we register our firearms to aid the impossible task of enforcing universal background checks?

The ends do not justify the means. And the ends aren’t even clear. How effective are these road blocks in enforcing conservation laws?
Last time I was stopped at a road block, I had just finished waiting three hours for a CO to take my report of a confirmed poaching. The best way to enforce G&F laws is to rely on lawful hunters reporting violations. Not berating them because they caped an antelope buck skull (which happened to me).

My opposition to roadblocks as a tactic does not in any way imply a lack of support for COs or their responsibility to enforce our conservation laws.

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