RMEF’s BUGLE magazine article

Your Dad understood the true meaning of hunting - spending time in magnificent country with those you love while pursuing animals you respect. Like you, I was blessed to have many great hunting experiences with my Dad, primarily deer and ruffed grouse. Though your article focused on the ethics of taking a long shot - and the many facets to this decision - it really focused on the relationships we have in life and their impact on our character. Your story was a great reminder to us all to be supportive of others when they are making tough decisions. Your father's support and not the bull's antlers on your wall were the true reward in this instance that help define who you are today. Thank you for sharing your experience in such a well-written article. God Bless
Great article! Thanks for sharing.

I recall an article by David Petzal in which he said something to the effect that of all the questionable shots presented to him throughout his hunting career, he has regretted all the ones he took and none of the ones he didn't. Words to live by.
I am very lucky to have had experiences like this with my dad. Now i am paying it back, with my son.
This is truly what hunting is all about in this day and age.
Situation Ethics is usually the first article I read when my Bugle arrives. Thank you for sharing your experience ! Well done !!

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