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RMEF Bailing on Blue Collar Sportsmen?


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2018
North Dakota
After watching everything unfold in MT during 2021, RMEF basically stood idly by and said not a peep. I have to wonder if RMEF is bailing or has already bailed on blue collar sportsmen? Or does align with past actions? I would presume us regular folks make up a bulk of their membership. I would also assume that actively and publicly fighting some of this stuff would be felt in their pocket books, since the guide/outfitters and land owners who donate/contribute to their fundraising would likely withdraw that support. Yet, Issue after issue regarding MT elk management and they are no where to be found and don't have a good answer for why, anytime I've talked to their representatives.

This isn't a full on indictment of RMEF, as they've done and continue to do some really good things for elk and elk hunters. But is that all for nothing if they can't stand with the average elk hunter when he/she needs them the most?
After watching everything unfold in MT during 2021, RMEF basically stood idly by and said not a peep. I have to wonder if RMEF is bailing or has already bailed on blue collar sportsmen? Or does align with past actions? I would presume us regular folks make up a bulk of their membership. I would also assume that actively and publicly fighting some of this stuff would be felt in their pocket books, since the guide/outfitters and land owners who donate/contribute to their fundraising would likely withdraw that support. Yet, Issue after issue regarding MT elk management and they are no where to be found and don't have a good answer for why, anytime I've talked to their representatives.

This isn't a full on indictment of RMEF, as they've done and continue to do some really good things for elk and elk hunters. But is that all for nothing if they can't stand with the average elk hunter when he/she needs them the most?

501(c)(3) status has been discussed in-depth on here.
501(c)(3) status has been discussed in-depth on here.
Irrelevant. Pretty much every single organization that is speaking up in favor of average Joe hunters in MT elk management are ALSO 501(c)(3). RMEF even has a full-time staff position for a "government relations" person. Non-Profit status is not an excuse for their absence. Period.

501(c)(3) does not mean you cannot get involved in policy. It just limits how much time and money you can devote to direct lobbying as an organization.
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Irrelevant. Pretty much every single organization that is speaking up in favor of average Joe hunters in MT elk management are ALSO 501(c)(3). RMEF even has a full-time staff position for a "government relations" person. Non-Profit status is not an excuse for their absence. Period.

501(c)(3) does not mean you cannot get involved in policy. It just limits how much time and money you can devote to direct lobbying as an organization.
Its been discussed at length on here, the search bar is your friend. Or continue to wage war on your soap box and let us know how it works out.
Its been discussed at length on here, the search bar is your friend. Or continue to wage war on your soap box and let us know how it works out.
It has been discussed at length and apparently you weren't paying attention.

501(c)(3)'s can spend up to 10% of their budget on lobbying. Budget includes volunteer/man hours or monies.

PS. My soap box is big enough for you too if you want to join in on the actual subject of the thread.
I’m sure @Ben Lamb can answer this for you much better. I’d guess his answer will not be any differ Than what has been previously beaten down.
I’m sure @Ben Lamb can answer this for you much better. I’d guess his answer will not be any differ Than what has been previously beaten down.
He has answered it (I posted one of his response in my previous post). So has the IRS. Lobbying by a 501(c)(3) is allowed and legal under a certain set of rules (below).

Those are the same rules that organizations like BHA, MT Wildlife Federation, among other groups, are following when they participate in this exact same issue in MT regarding elk management. They are also 501(c)(3)s.
Back on topic.

An interesting post by @Big Fin from 2013. At this point it seems blatantly obvious to me that MOGA gave RMEF another ultimatum. Judging by RMEF's lack of action and not even addressing the issue, I think it's obvious what side they chose.
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After watching everything unfold in MT during 2021, RMEF basically stood idly by and said not a peep. I have to wonder if RMEF is bailing or has already bailed on blue collar sportsmen? Or does align with past actions? I would presume us regular folks make up a bulk of their membership. I would also assume that actively and publicly fighting some of this stuff would be felt in their pocket books, since the guide/outfitters and land owners who donate/contribute to their fundraising would likely withdraw that support. Yet, Issue after issue regarding MT elk management and they are no where to be found and don't have a good answer for why, anytime I've talked to their representatives.

This isn't a full on indictment of RMEF, as they've done and continue to do some really good things for elk and elk hunters. But is that all for nothing if they can't stand with the average elk hunter when he/she needs them the most?

Let's talk instead about the unnecessary marketing materials I get in the mail. I don't need preprinted address stickers, tiny notepads, or duffel bags with the RMEF logo printed on them. I think it's a waste of my membership dollars, plus my kids stick those damn address stickers all over the place and just color up the notepad before I even get to use it...ok, venting over...I do think Bugle is a nice-looking magazine though.

*edit...this is semi tongue-in-cheek
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It has been discussed at length and apparently you weren't paying attention.

501(c)(3)'s can spend up to 10% of their budget on lobbying. Budget includes volunteer/man hours or monies.

PS. My soap box is big enough for you too if you want to join in on the actual subject of the thread.
No need, I believe in a lot of things. God, Santa, and that my my donations are put towards the mission of the organization. Just today I sent $150 to Hellen DeVos children's hospital.

Never had the need for any of those places to do more or provide proof. I am happy just knowing that they make a positive difference in the world.
They seem very tentative to wade into stuff. Maybe it is a bandwidth issue, and they don't wanna overload themselves with scope creep, and maybe they are quiet cuz wolves aren't involved... ;)

They did offer a voice of opposition to the expansion of shoulder season to public lands, albeit a tepid one.

I don't know, I wish they would wade in and throw their weight around. As it pertains to the newest bad ideas that FWP has thrown out there, I have yet to meet or hear from someone who actually supports them. Seems like it would be a no brainer.

All that said, they are still a powerhouse conservation org, who can measure their impact in acres you and I can go hunting on. And they are making moves as we speak. I don't discount that. They have made an enormous difference in the world for the better.

Tidings! My name is texwest44 and I represent the.. uh, society that... ah, cares about... mammals. Yeah, so anyway we do amazing things that make a positive difference in the world in a variety of fabulous ways for mammals. Please give me $150 and support S.C.A.M. today!

Thank you!
Let's talk instead about the unnecessary marketing materials I get in the mail. I don't need preprinted address stickers, tiny notepads, or duffel bags with the RMEF logo printed on them. I think it's a waste of my membership dollars, plus my kids stick those damn address stickers all over the place and just color up the notepad before I even get to use it...ok, venting over...I do think Bugle is a nice-looking magazine though.
The current president actually addressed this in an issue a year or so ago. He said you might not like it, but it actually works, it more than pays for itself.

I personally agree with you.
They seem very tentative to wade into stuff. Maybe it is a bandwidth issue, and they don't wanna overload themselves with scope creep, and maybe they are quiet cuz wolves aren't involved... ;)

They did offer a voice of opposition to the expansion of shoulder season to public lands, albeit a tepid one.

I don't know, I wish they would wade in and throw their weight around. As it pertains to the newest bad ideas that FWP has thrown out there, I have yet to meet or hear from someone who actually supports them. Seems like it would be a no brainer.

All that said, they are still a powerhouse conservation org, who can measure their impact in acres you and I can go hunting on. And they are making moves as we speak. I don't discount that. They have made an enormous difference in the world for the better.
No doubt, to the tune of 8 million acres. Again, I'm not discrediting everything they've done. But as indicated by Randy's post from 2013 and the situation today, RMEF has seemingly abandoned members and elk at a very important time. That should not be swept under the rug or overlooked because of the other work they do. These proposals have the potential to change elk, elk management, and elk hunting in Montana Forever.
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I quit BHA because their CO chapter did not formally oppose wolf reintroduction. Yet they continue to do great things, and I send $ to some of their campaigns. They do fine without me as a member. RMEF has done yeoman habitat and access work here and across the west, those being the gifts that keep on giving. It takes a critical mass of members w financial clout to swing the direction of RMEF-size orgs. Still the irony of RMEF being founded and headquartering in MT while remaining silent while public elk hunting there faces multiple assaults there is hard to miss.
Worth sharing separately so everyone can read what MOGA did last time RMEF was involved.
Interesting old post. Does seem that MOGA, in the end, won, or is winning the war on privatization. Sure Randy got on the board for RMEF. But look was MOGA has done with the Legislature.
After watching everything unfold in MT during 2021, RMEF basically stood idly by and said not a peep. I have to wonder if RMEF is bailing or has already bailed on blue collar sportsmen? Or does align with past actions? I would presume us regular folks make up a bulk of their membership. I would also assume that actively and publicly fighting some of this stuff would be felt in their pocket books, since the guide/outfitters and land owners who donate/contribute to their fundraising would likely withdraw that support. Yet, Issue after issue regarding MT elk management and they are no where to be found and don't have a good answer for why, anytime I've talked to their representatives.

This isn't a full on indictment of RMEF, as they've done and continue to do some really good things for elk and elk hunters. But is that all for nothing if they can't stand with the average elk hunter when he/she needs them the most?
I’m torn. Only RMEF knows what the demographics of their membership looks like and where the money comes from. Given much of this is a fight between public land hunters and private land hunters, it might be hard for them to take a stance. If they want to speak out, it should be on the stated goal of reducing Montana’s elk herd by a 1/3rd. They have to work with landowners on easements and I know the organization leases hunting land in Montana (and I assume other states) so maybe public silence and working behind the scenes is the best path for them.
I’m torn. Only RMEF knows what the demographics of their membership looks like and where the money comes from. Given much of this is a fight between public land hunters and private land hunters, it might be hard for them to take a stance. If they want to speak out, it should be on the stated goal of reducing Montana’s elk herd by a 1/3rd. They have to work with landowners on easements and I know the organization leases hunting land in Montana (and I assume other states) so maybe public silence and working behind the scenes is the best path for them.
That makes me wonder what percentage of their membership primarily hunts with outfitters. Still, given RMEFs Board of directors, membership demographic, sponsors, partners, and stances on other issues, you'd think they would look down upon any change in our wildlife management practices that brings us closer to the European style of wildlife management. Yet, that's exactly what they're pushing for if they support this.

Here's a Google search sample of the Euro model.


Imagine the cash flow necessary to hunt as much as you do now with a menu like that. How can anyone at RMEF support that....

And if that's the future of American Hunting.... Eff me.
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