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River Rafting---loss of caribou--women complain more---favorite food--N.Z. Huntress

Panda Bear

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2019
I dont want to start 5 threads but have received questions and my answers are

Yes, we enjoy and participate, in both river and lake rafting/canoe/kayak type hunting--but I also dont see it discussed often,

We are constantly explaining to those who will listen that the decline in caribou numbers are because of mineral exploration and everything that happens to the land directly and indirectly because of it, but hunting will now have to be curtailed until the numbers increase

let me say that Arctic Char, Seal, Snow geese, Caribou are by far the easiest and therefore some of each are always in the freezer, followed by muskox, moose, followed by bear, bison--but other types of fowl, fish and big game also

A couple of fellows posted on one of the female threads that they wish that women would complain less, accept where they are and enjoy the moment, and/or something to that effect. And I of course am not going to argue with that being your experience but it is not universal, as I do not remember all the times men have asked me when snow shoeing, goat hunting, etc, if I could please stop for a little while as they were tired, or needed to eat something, were cold, etc.

Last but not least. In reference to the girl in New Zealand, first let me again say I dont agree with her choice of clothes when hunting, did not have a problem with her choice of clothes in the fishing picture, but the video she published offended me the most as does some of the pictures and videos men post. The reason is we are taught at a very young age to respect these animals. They have given their life to us so that we can live ( food, clothing, income ). So the video she posted was very offensive to me.

Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?

The caribou statement and my disagreeing with it always being women who complain when on the ice or in the mountains, were just statements on my part, but if you disagree with one or both , feel free to say so
I dont want to start 5 threads but have received questions and my answers are

Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?
Heck yeah, also one of my favorite methods of getting into and out of hunting spots.

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?
Elk, but there is a bit of everything

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?
Meh... no more than any of the other dumb stuff people do on social media

The caribou statement and my disagreeing with it always being women who complain when on the ice or in the mountains, were just statements on my part, but if you disagree with one or both , feel free to say so
Definitely agree with your statement, whining isn't tied to gender. If the woman your looking to date has a closet of 4in heels she is probably not gonna like being outside in the cold... similarly if the man you are looking at dating has a closet full of brooks brothers or wears a watch worth more than your car.
Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?
Yes, in Colorado when it's 110* in Texas.

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?
Crappie, catfish, elk, pork, elk, dove, whitetail....

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?
Nope, she's entitled to sucker as many goofballs as she can....caveat emptor.

The caribou statement and my disagreeing with it always being women who complain when on the ice or in the mountains, were just statements on my part, but if you disagree with one or both , feel free to say so.
Depends on the woman...and I've heard plenty male pissin' & moaning.
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Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?
Sure, but I prefer canoes by far. Depends on the river of course.

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?
toss up between squirrels, pheasants, deer and antelope, but probably the first two win out.

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?
Absolutely. I'm pretty sure, if she knew, she would be fine with that. Being offensive is part of her gimmick.

The caribou statement and my disagreeing with it always being women who complain when on the ice or in the mountains, were just statements on my part, but if you disagree with one or both , feel free to say so
I don't think it is an issue with women per se, but persistent complaining by anyone (and I hear plenty of guys doing it too).
But sometimes complaining is part of the fun. Sort of like teasing someone. It's a way of coping. So, like most things, it's not so much the actual words, but how and when they are expressed.

Whining about the weather, politics, taxes, and state game and fish agencies is an unavoidable, probably genetic trait that defines us all as human, I think.

Only golden retrievers NEVER complain. Thankfully, I am owned by one.
Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?

I have only done whitewater once on the American River. Most of my kayaking is for waterfowl. Will be kayaking in the Bering Sea in a couple of weeks.

Deer ( Axis and Mule ) Antelope, Waterfowl.

Never saw the video, I'm clueless.

Most of my kayaking is for waterfowl. Will be kayaking in the Bering Sea in a couple of weeks.

Okay, please start a thread about THAT! Sounds incredible. In a couple of weeks it will be the dead of winter? Sort of hard water time for kayaks, no? Definitely would like to hear about this.
Okay, please start a thread about THAT! Sounds incredible. In a couple of weeks it will be the dead of winter? Sort of hard water time for kayaks, no? Definitely would like to hear about this.

I'll post a video when I get back from St. Paul Island. Here's a video from last year on Adak Island. I've also done Cold Bay AK.

LOVE raft hunting. especially moose. we lived off the land on our yukon river trip and looking forward to doing the same on the Mackenzie. We invited three men to go with us, in their canoe. One,s girlfriend didn't want him to go with 4 girls, one said the trip was to long, and one said he didn't feel 4 females would even be able to finish the trip so didn't want to start and not finish. We did finish and when we saw him later, his first comment was so who were the men that helped you ? aaaggghhhh

fish, ptarmigan , moose, sheep

Not offended, but understand how someone who was taught as you were, would be. For me, it was just stupid, but as others have said to each their own I guess.

I agree with your Caribou statement.

women not keeping up comes up all the time. Even when I am shoeing a horse I hear men asking does she know what she is doing ? We have had horses all my life and floated their teeth, shoed, trimmed, vaccinated, bred, help with foaling, etc, etc. I know the man might not know that, but he also would not know whether a man doing the shoeing knew what he was doing, if he didn't know him, but they dont automatically question his ability.

Glass Eye---love it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Only golden retrievers NEVER complain.
This is an absolute fact.

Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?
-never tried it but it looks interesting.

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?
-fish (rainbow trout, walleye and pike) usually but we finally have some deer meat this year 🎉

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?
- I wouldn't say offended, I just dont agree with it. I agree with your point in respecting an animal. I have wondered since she was brought up, when an animal is viewed as a pest such as pigs, where does respect fall with people. I feel different when I kill a deer vs when I kill a gopher. Maybe it's because I cant eat the gopher but I do feel a little sad for the dead little gopher....its just trying to live after all.

The caribou statement and my disagreeing with it always being women who complain when on the ice or in the mountains, were just statements on my part, but if you disagree with one or both , feel free to say so.
- just like noharleyyet, I've definitely heard men complain a lot. Granted I've hunted mostly with men, but I've heard a lot of complaining to do with how far we have to hike in (2 miles is not THAT bad). Nothing to do with gender, just the type of person I suppose.
LOVE raft hunting. especially moose. we lived off the land on our yukon river trip and looking forward to doing the same on the Mackenzie. We invited three men to go with us, in their canoe. One,s girlfriend didn't want him to go with 4 girls, one said the trip was to long, and one said he didn't feel 4 females would even be able to finish the trip so didn't want to start and not finish. We did finish and when we saw him later, his first comment was so who were the men that helped you ? aaaggghhhh
That deserved a swift kick to the balls.
Do any of you enjoy river rafting ?

What wild game is most often found in your freezer ?

Is anyone else offended by her actions in the video ?

The caribou statement and my disagreeing with it always being women who complain when on the ice or in the mountains, were just statements on my part, but if you disagree with one or both , feel free to say so
Yes, though I've almost drowned a couple of times so I'm a little more tempered in my enthusiasm these days. In WA and OR there only a couple main rivers I haven't done. I need to do the Rogue, John Day, and....the Tieton.

These days elk, but it used to be mule deer/ducks. If we go by effort it would be chukar, but I mostly do that as a spectator sport.

Offended? No. Was it dumb? In spades. Would I care to ever see here again on social media? Nope.

Complaining is definitely not gender specific. My wife does complain... a lot. My daughter wouldn't complain of being cold if her fingers froze solid and turned black. She might ask if I could help her as her fingers weren't working though.
harley, brent

you have my vote ! Love dogs. Although my sled dogs take up most of my time, it is my hunting dog that is with me 24/7. field, canoe, plane, everywhere.

Thanks to all who contributed on this thread
your age, loved rafting, both for hunting and shooting the rapids
later, enjoyed sailing the Mediterranean
now, the cruise ship with the largest and most luxurious state room available

I only have a freezer in the top of my refrigerator now, with no wild game in it )-: )-:

offended my first reaction was please god let me have that body again and if you do I promise to put clothes on it

Hunting Wife and you are in a position to know far more about the Caribou issue than I, but I believe you.

Bitching, I have heard it from both sexes, but never more than once. They whined, they didn't go with us again

off topic. Dirtclod, if you get all that dug up and stacked up before sundown, you will have earned a beer, or several !
Love river rafting

Mostly deer, elk and upland game birds.

I wasn’t offended, just thought it was stupid.

Complaining isn’t more prevalent with women than men in my experience. I’ve known some men and women who are far tougher than me, and some of both that are candy asses.
Jls and others. in ref to offended. I understand gentleman. From the time we first hunt, fish, trap, part of what we are taught is to give thanks, respect, appreciate that they have given their life to feed, and cloth us. Not the pictures but the video would have been ( and is ) offense to myself and my ancestors . Just an explanation, nothing more gentlemen .

April, it is good to see you have not lost your sense of humor.

Brent and Wimm1313. I feel the same way about Boykin, that you fellows feel about golden retrievers and corgi's :)
A Boykin - not what I would have imaged you would have. Always interesting how preconceived notions are so rarely right.
Brent :love: He will never help me win the Iditarod or Yukon Quest. But I am slowly putting together dogs that, I hope, will help me do that. however the little guy has many traits that work well, at least for me. He is very quiet in a canoe , plane, sled---he is easy to pull back into a canoe--he is a good blood trail dog--he is a good "distraction" dog, when needed, he is an excellent early warning threat dog, plus of course he hunts and retrieves birds on land and in water. It has been close a few times for him, bear, moose, bison, crane, but so far so good.

How many here at one time or another has preferred the company of their dog to their wife or husband -you do not need to answer if he/she reads the forum o_O

o.k. time for me to get some work done

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