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Rinella 179 podcast


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
Don’t listen to many podcasts but this one was cool. Found my first grow on national forest when I was in my teens hunting deer in the Cleveland national forest and ran across at least 3 more not to mention backing out of areas we ran across black pipe in stream beds. Happy to see this this getting brought to light as I feel many people/hunters are unaware of the impacts this has on public land and animals.

The "poison cannabis" shocked me and pissed me off. All on public land too!
I liked the episode and I am all for shutting this sort of thing down, playing whack a mole isn't the way though. It does make me chuckle when these drug warriors get right up to the point of admitting prohibition is a failure and legalization is the only ethical way forward, then back off of it. It's almost like they are worried about job security or something.
I liked the episode and I am all for shutting this sort of thing down, playing whack a mole isn't the way though. It does make me chuckle when these drug warriors get right up to the point of admitting prohibition is a failure and legalization is the only ethical way forward, then back off of it. It's almost like they are worried about job security or something.

He also highlighted that legalization did not stop illegal growing due to the cost and headache of doing it legally. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.
He also highlighted that legalization did not stop illegal growing due to the cost and headache of doing it legally. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

No kidding. It’s like, what else can we do to shut this stuff down?
Enjoyed this podcast. Wish it was longer. Putting the books on my to read list.
He also highlighted that legalization did not stop illegal growing due to the cost and headache of doing it legally. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.
Well that is just a function of patchwork legalization and heavy regulation. If we were to just try freedom for once, it would pull the rug out from under the cartels overnight.
Well that is just a function of patchwork legalization and heavy regulation. If we were to just try freedom for once, it would pull the rug out from under the cartels overnight.

True. And it sounded like the illegal sale in other states promoted the black market production. Maybe one day there won’t be conservative laws limiting or prohibiting weed. But alcohol prohibition was lifted in 1933, yet there are still dry counties, restricted store locations, restricted Sunday sales, and 3.2% beer state. I doubt legalization that isn’t patchy will happen any time soon.
I would be ok with patchy legalization by county if we could get rid of the federal prohibition. Those states and counties can do all the silly blue laws in they want. Those laws dont criminalize mere possession for personal use. All they do is make it inconvienet to purchase booze and fill up the tax coffers of neighboring states. There will always be a black market for everything that is regulated. Limiting the scale and viability of that is easy to do as well as being the only moral way forward. The drug war is a complete and utter failure on every level by every metric.
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