Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Requotable Quotes- Say it Again

isms from my Pop.

"You do good work son, just not enough of it.", when we were contracting together.

"You young guys don't know anything, once is enough if you know what you're doing and take your time with it."

"What I used to do all night now takes me all night to do."

Me: "How's it going, Pop?"
Him: " I hung an anvil on it last night."

"A boner has no conscience."

"So hard a cat couldn't have scratched it. "

"Watch out for him son, your Uncle Ben is 90 pounds of dynamite with a ten inch fuse."

Pop was a working cowboy in the WWII years. He was too young to enlist. They had pulled up many of the rail lines in Central California for steel to support the war effort. He lived the dream doing roundups and driving stock to the rail heads. He had no end of cowboy sayings. I know these were not all original to him.
"It rained like a cow pissing on flat rock."
"A nice big healthy woman right there."
"All that meat and no potatoes."
"Get your heels down, boy!"
"That outfit's remuda all rode harder than a whore's heart"
"Is was colder out than a witches t@@."
"If you don't get right back on him, that sumbitch beat you."
"A mule never forgets. They will wait years to kick you in the head over something you long forgot. "
"Ain't much to it, you swing on and keep your heels down." About riding rough stock.
"Look here, I still have both my thumbs."

He is still the kindest man you will ever meet, but he has some folks he can't abide:
"As far vet's go, he was nothing but a dog and cat man." About a vet that he let talk him out of treating his own horse. It died. Pop had gained a lifetime of livestock field vet skills while cowboying.
"Put your hand over your wallet when he comes around." Some relatives, some preachers, some teachers, all politicians."

dad cowboy.jpg
Everybody's an asshole. Not everybody is your kind of asshole, though.

"If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day, you're the asshole." - Marshall Raylan Givens

This was my sig line for a while after a run in with a particularly obnoxious Utard. I'm sure he never noticed.
isms from my Pop.

"You do good work son, just not enough of it.", when we were contracting together.

"You young guys don't know anything, once is enough if you know what you're doing and take your time with it."

I remember once telling my father that there were easier ways to do some jobs and dad had enough. Looked at me with that look and growled "I've been doing this $*)Q!#@$ job for 20 years. If there were a better way, don't you think I'da $*)Q!#@$ found it?"

That taught me three things.

1.) Dad could swear better than I.
2.) Mom & my sisters would never hear that from him
3.) Expertise is a commodity worth more than an hourly wage.
I remember once telling my father that there were easier ways to do some jobs and dad had enough. Looked at me with that look and growled "I've been doing this $*)Q!#@$ job for 20 years. If there were a better way, don't you think I'da $*)Q!#@$ found it?"

That taught me three things.

1.) Dad could swear better than I.
2.) Mom & my sisters would never hear that from him
3.) Expertise is a commodity worth more than an hourly wage.
I am pretty sure I have far outpaced Pop in the swearing department. And yes, he came from a generation when the term, "Not in mixed company." meant something.

I used to ask potty mouthed kids if they talked like that in front of their mother. Now they answer that they learned it from their mother.
When it comes to use of deadly force, this was drilled into my head.

John Steinbeck died a long time ago. I loved that Montana too. Not so much any more. What a zoo on the West Side where I was raised.
I am sure some old timers said the same as Steinbeck was first setting foot in MT. I have lived over 6 decades and these may not be the Good Ol' Days but wait a while and there were the Good Old Days to a newcomer. There are lead plates uncovered from old wells that date back over 1000 years. A person would buy the plate, scratch an observation or curse and toss in the well. What did they say? The youth of today are lazy, Atticus is a thief, Mary is a harlot, etc.

Things change. There is less unknown out there over the next mountain ridge, hunting gets more expensive as a non-resident while your odds fall, woodsmanship skills are constantly devalued over the generations, Horn Porn tests the inner compass of hunters and know that your innocence will be lost sooner than later leaving you distrustful of many of the opportunities that brought you ear-to-ear smiles of anticipation as a child.
Reminds me of a poem I read on a public stall wall while I was doing my business.

"Here I sit, all broken hearted.
Tried to sh!t, but only farted.
Hour later, took a chance,
Tried to fart but sh!t my pants."
I recall a scrawl that said: Please do not drop toothpicks in the toilet. Arkansas crabs can pole vault.
Some from the Old Man:

"If you wanna shoot big ones, you gotta let the little ones grow up"

On the other hand:
"If you wanna shoot big ones, you gotta shoot 'em where they are, not where you wish they were" after shooting a bull in a Hell Hole

Running deer:
"Don't ever shoot at a running deer in the timber. EVER! Well, unless he's a great big buck, then you have to remember to shoot 'em where they are."

"Sharpen your f@cking knife!"
“My perception is my reality”
- Dr. McGraw

Helps me understand why I don’t care for the majority of people, as most people are too narrow minded and self-centered for my taste. Furthering my cynicism is “when people show you who they are, believe them” - Maya Angelou
Another of my dads that has seemed true is the hunts where you get something will seem easy compared to hunts where you don’t
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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