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Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid



A domestic centerpiece of the Bush/GOP agenda for a second Bush term is getting rid of the Internal Revenue Service, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

The Speaker of the House will push for replacing the nation's current tax system with a national sales tax or a value added tax, Hill sources tell DRUDGE.

"People ask me if I’m really calling for the elimination of the IRS, and I say I think that’s a great thing to do for future generations of Americans," Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert explains in his new book, to be released on Wednesday.

"Pushing reform legislation will be difficult. Change of any sort seldom comes easy. But these changes are critical to our economic vitality and our economic security abroad," Hastert declares in SPEAKER: LESSONS FROM FORTY YEARS IN COACHING AND POLITICS.

"“If you own property, stock, or, say, one hundred acres of farmland and tax time is approaching, you don’t want to make a mistake, so you’re almost obliged to go to a certified public accountant, tax preparer, or tax attorney to help you file a correct return. That costs a lot of money. Now multiply the amount you have to pay by the total number of people who are in the same boat. You can’t. No one can because precise numbers don’t exist. But we can stipulate that we’re talking about a huge amount. Now consider that a flat tax, national sales tax, or VAT would not only eliminate the need to do this, it could also eliminate the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) itself and make the process of paying taxes much easier."

"By adopting a VAT, sales tax, or some other alternative, we could begin to change productivity. If you can do that, you can change gross national product and start growing the economy. You could double the economy over the next fifteen years. All of a sudden, the problem of what future generations owe in Social Security and Medicare won’t be so daunting anymore. The answer is to grow the economy, and the key to doing that is making sure we have a tax system that attracts capital and builds incentives to keep it here instead of forcing it out to other nations."

I'm not so sure that Drudge is the most reliable guy out there but if true this woudl be great news IMO.
I spent 6 years living in Germany where the have a Value Add Tax (VAT). If I recall correctly it started out at a 7% VAT on all goods and service. When I was there from 1986 to 1992 the VAT had been increased to 14%. They didn't exempt very many items either.

This VAT tax is just like states with sales taxes, well except my home state of Montana which does not have a sales tax, the original tax is low and then every legislative session it is looked at to be increased.

I think a VAT is a bad idea but then again no IRS might be a good thing.

I would fully support a national sale tax, not a VAT tax. But the constitution must be ammended to abolish income tax first or we will end up with both.

Be carefull what you ask for, we have a stagggered income tax system I think I ended up paying about 25k on 75 K last year, but We do have free health, schooling,and retirement welfare to the over 65,s, plus a host of free or cut cost social services, But we also pay a Goods and service tax {GST}of 12.5% on everything, so it effectivly becomes a user pays economy, you want it, particually so called luxury items Rifles, Binocs ,scopes etc if you can afford it you pay the GST, the government because it pays for free social services does noy pay out any farming or manufacturing subsidies, you chose that sort of career, you make sure you can do the hard work to sustain it, because no one is going to come and bail you out if you fail.
I too am in favor of a sales tax over the personal income tax. My argument though is that through a sales tax you get to tax everyone who purchases goods. I know you guys know who I am talking about when I say that there are certain elements of our society that have newer and nicer things than you do but they have no reported income. With a sales tax you can at least get some sort of money when they buy those $40K cars and all of the music and electronic gear, teh expensive clothes, etc. It's about time that the criminal element has to foot some of the bill for their leeching off the system.
As long as the sales tax applies to everyone, including "non-profit" groups. That is one way the "haves" get over - form a foundation or non-profit corporation and then employ themselves to run it...then the cars and other things are purchased by the "charity", but used and possessed by the "directors."
cj- Someone has to run the tax system. Taxes are a neccessary evil and much of what we take for granted depends on them. If no one's in charge of taxes, who's gonna pay 'em?

I for one am for a flat income tax. There is no reason someone who makes millions should have to pay a higher percentage of taxes than me.
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