Relocating to Wyoming


New member
Apr 26, 2001
Southern, Id.
the wife and I are planning to relocate to Wy in the next month or so. Any of you Wyoming guys out there have any suggestions? We are broke starting from scratch again, I will need a new job, Housing, and of course close to good mule deer hunting. We would like to get to the west side of the state but are not too picky. Ant thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I live in Buffalo and the methane is crazy they are looking for help all the time pays good has alot of O.T. however the cost of living is not the best here but you can make it if you work in the field. I would look up a company called 3-Way roustabout.
Good mule deer hunting? Nope, none of that in Wyoming....try Arizona. In fact, I believe there are no more mulies left in Wyoming. At least none that are worth wasting time for.
haha...Buffalo and Pinedale. Two places not to go if you work for BLM. Of course, if you are looking for good money, energy development is going through the roof.
Thanks for the replies guys. Lots of food for thought. Wil be going to check out some places next week.
Lived in Green River a few years back. Half of the wives who followed their men out there turned around and went home inside of a couple of months. It's kind of the end of the earth. I seem to remember 8 months of deep snow, 4 months of Sahara heat, and winds so hard they tore 3 storm doors off my house.

The tax situation is appealing though.
I lived around Laramie for years so have a pretty good idea on the weather in Wy. More concerned about housing and work.
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