Reliable mileage out of 2001 Suburban?

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
Opinions please.

We bought our family wagon 2001 Chev Suburban new off the lot. It has 135k miles on it. Maintenance has been meticulous. It's the mother ship for the dear wifey and 4 kids and we go through the middle of lots of no mans' lands, so reliability is important.

Wife thinks a new Suburban is needed. I say, we can get to 200k, easy!
My 2001 silverado has 160,000 and still seems to be doing great. Don't have any plans of replacing it any time soon.
Everything I've heard, is that the automatic transmissions are almost always the first thing to go on these trucks.
Wife thinks a new Suburban is needed. I say, we can get to 200k, easy!

I agree but better not get the wife pissed off at'll have to cook your own dinner ;)

Sounds like the decision is already made if the wife thinks you need a new car, so this post should be about what color your new suburban will be.....

i'm guessing white.
"My 2001 silverado has 160,000 and still seems to be doing great. Don't have any plans of replacing it any time soon.
Everything I've heard, is that the automatic transmissions are almost always the first thing to go on these trucks."

I had a 96 chevy that had 199,000 miles on it before I got rid of it. The first 75,000 were on oilfield roads. Only problem I ever had was a starter one time. Rest of it was cosmetic damage done by me.

My 2000 chevy had 188,000 miles on it and didn't have a problem. Except Cosmetic damage..... But when I did trade it was leaking from the differentials.....

Now I have a POS dodge. Before I had 10k miles on it I hit a cow in the middle of the night coming off the mountain. Boy did that do some damage. Not to mention almost melting my .223 barrel on rest of the cows.... I mean cow. ;)
Car payments aren't worth it!! I will never buy another new car/truck again and make monthly payments on it. I shell away 500 bucks a month on a Titan. I wish I would have been smart and bought a 2 or 3 year old Titan and saved a couple hundred bucks a month. That is a lot of hunting tags/or family vacations i could have bought. Or better yet, kept the truck I had before. It was paid for.

I realize you can't always rationalize with the wife, but new cars are one of the worse investments...kind of like betting 100 bucks that Moosie can stay away from McDonalds.
Points well taken.

I'm going to keep pushing for keeping the current set up. Maybe a complete detail and a AAA membership will ease her mind.

It still puzzles me how this all works. Single income home, yet how in the world can she go to a car dealer and the they hand over the keys and tell her to take it home for a few days.

I really don't want to get a new car right now. I will not go into debt again for a vehicle, so it would require the castrating act of selling my Toyota Tundra.
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I vote navy blue!!! Heck, I'm on 180K on my 98 F-150 and ain't willing to have to drive the Avalanche yet. I also agree that I'd never buy a brand new rig. Just tell the dealer what your looking for (year, mileage, etc) in a used one and they'll find something that'll work and quite a bit less than their asking new.
yet how in the world can she go to a car dealer and the they hand over the keys and tell her to take it home for a few days.

Because she also has a credit score and rating that make it a good risk. ;)

I have been without a car payment for several years and cannot imagine going back to that. My 2002 Ford F-350 has less than 60K miles on it, becing used just for recreation and hunting trips. I imagine that I will have it a good long time yet. Only thing I've had to do to it other than routine maintenance is replace the 4WD command module for a few hundred bucks.
how in the world can she go to a car dealer and the they hand over the keys and tell her to take it home for a few days.

...ahhh, the old take the puppy home for a night or two tactic.
It still puzzles me how this all works. Single income home, yet how in the world can she go to a car dealer and the they hand over the keys and tell her to take it home for a few days.

Like my paps says, "you let a women out of the kitchen you're just going to end up with a whole lot of trouble"
Wyo- Your paps sounds a whole lot like my Dad did! He said this country starting going downhill when women were giving the vote!
I've had two trucks in the last 18 years. Put 234K on the Ford, now have 211K on the GMC and yes, my wife wants to trade off her 2005 and get a new car.
I declare victory. With the current vehicle getting a full detail and a AAA membership, it's suddenly more reliable.
Nice. I didn't think you would win that one. One GIANT leap for man:D

I still wanted to lowball ya on the Tundra though;)
I declare victory. With the current vehicle getting a full detail and a AAA membership, it's suddenly more reliable.

The question is, what are you going to have to give up for this "victory"?

You never get something for nothing.
I declare victory. With the current vehicle getting a full detail and a AAA membership, it's suddenly more reliable.

You know the word "hero" gets thrown out there a lot these days, but if there ever was one, his name would be T BONE!
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