Reintroduction of grizzlys in Selway-Bitterroot Idaho/Montana

For those that don't know what whitebark pines have to do with grizzly bears, here is good link.
The little tree in Shoot's Straights 4th picture is a young whitebark pine. The mature trees are dieing out all over the high country of the West. To transplant grizzlies in the Selway Bitterroot knowing full well that the chance of them surviving is very questionable, makes no sense to me.

For those that don't know what whitebark pines have to do with grizzly bears, here is good link.
The little tree in Shoot's Straights 4th picture is a young whitebark pine. The mature trees are dieing out all over the high country of the West. To transplant grizzlies in the Selway Bitterroot knowing full well that the chance of them surviving is very questionable, makes no sense to me.

Despite Whitebark Pine declining all over the Grizzly Bear country, Griz are doing better than they have in a long time. The Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team released some findings a few years ago discounting the importance of Whitebark and the future of the griz, and, other than some articles by the fringy enviro groups out there, I haven't heard anything to the contrary since. Basically, griz are adaptable. From the article:

"whitebark pine seeds, while important, will not significantly affect grizzly bear populations."

The sheer size of the SB lends itself to the idea that some population of griz could be sustained.

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If a Grizzly transplant goes through, I will bet, the majority of these bears will end up starving to death.

Let the grizzlies move into the SB on their own.
I'm OK with GB as they slowly expand its territory. I don't think we need to infill to speed up the recovery.
Just when our Elk have started recovering from Wolves, it's time to throw Grizzlies at at them, no thanks.

Another concern for me is that this is just one more avenue to make a criminal out of an outdoorsman. If I come across a Grizzly in the wild, I will shoot it no matter how it's acting or what direction it's headed. I have a wife and kids to come home to and so I will always play it safe in these cases, with wolves and lions too. Shooting an animal that's on the ESA, even in self defense, still seems like a potential investigation, lawsuit, and possibly criminal charges to me.

Would you do the same if hunting as a non-resident in WY or MT? Ever hunt the Island Park Zone in eastern Idaho? Once you start deciding which laws you are going to choose to not comply with, it is a very slippery slope.
Just when our Elk have started recovering from Wolves, it's time to throw Grizzlies at at them, no thanks.

Another concern for me is that this is just one more avenue to make a criminal out of an outdoorsman. If I come across a Grizzly in the wild, I will shoot it no matter how it's acting or what direction it's headed. I have a wife and kids to come home to and so I will always play it safe in these cases, with wolves and lions too. Shooting an animal that's on the ESA, even in self defense, still seems like a potential investigation, lawsuit, and possibly criminal charges to me.

I can't believe you would put a statement right out on an open Forum on the net that you would intentionally violate a law that's on the books--- Geez!!!
If a Grizzly transplant goes through, I will bet, the majority of these bears will end up starving to death.

Let the grizzlies move into the SB on their own.

I'd accept that bet. Double or nothing on my Coors beer you owe me.:D

Grizzly's have shown the ability to adapt to other food sources. The fact the Salmon are gone in the Selway isn't going to be the part that pushes them over the edge to starvation.
There's a lot more tree huggers using the area now than back then.
Salmon aren't gone from the Selway'Clearwater region....I landed 93 chinooks in one season in the Clearwater, and Lochsa, some nearly up to the confluence of the Brushy Fork there at white sands.

Yeah Paul, wheres the beer you owe me?

We could keep the bears in the S/B in a state of drunkenness for a couple years if you actually pay off your debts.

I got a case from Greenhorn, he pays up.
While there is some quality of griz habitat (far less salmon now) in the SB Wilderness, the Bitterroot side canyons have a high conflict potential with people.....very steep and the
Forest service people/stock trails will attract both people and bears. Best let natural recolonization occur,
Probably not. Most residents of those states aren't terrified of bears like the people in Idaho apparently are.

LOL! I'm not afraid of grizzly bears, sharks however, now they terrify me. :D

If a Grizzly transplant goes through, I will bet, the majority of these bears will end up starving to death.

Let the grizzlies move into the SB on their own.

Bears will find a way to survive or migrate to areas that are more conducive to griz survival.

Unless of course idiots shoot them on sight. :rolleyes:

I agree with letting the grizzlies move into SB on their own.
What do black bears eat that grizzlies can't?

Grizzlies starving to death in that country doesn't pass the smell test to me.
Grizzly bears should have no problem finding food whether through reintroduction or natural migration. Think of all the protein they will get after mauling and eating all us Idahoan's! :rolleyes::D
I can't believe you would put a statement right out on an open Forum on the net that you would intentionally violate a law that's on the books--- Geez!!!

Me either! I was preoccupied and shouldn't have responded at all or got caught up in the stabs. For some odd reason there was/is no editing function active with my account.
Me either! I was preoccupied and shouldn't have responded at all or got caught up in the stabs. For some odd reason there was/is no editing function active with my account.

I'm not sure what the time limit is on editing on this site, but it does go away for everyone and that's probably why you made your last sentence!
I'm not sure what the time limit is on editing on this site, but it does go away for everyone and that's probably why you made your last sentence!

Yeah it looks like there is a time limit. Oh well, just have to live with it. It's not the first time I've said something stupid, just ask my wife :)
You're on Shoot's. Double or nothing on the Widmer you owe me. I also think there is a better than likely chance that the idiots in charge will get this re-introduction rolling. The bears will have radio collars. We will get to see how well they do.

So Buzz. You favored a Selway grizzly reintroduction in the past. Still feel the same way today?
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