Reintroduction of grizzlys in Selway-Bitterroot Idaho/Montana

Actually, I couldn't find hardly anywhere it said WY pays for grizzly management out of GF dollars because that bill was dropped last spring. Right now the only thing funded by the GF thru G&F supports the aquatic invasive species program, wolf and sage grouse management, the veterinary services program, and the sensitive nongame species program that includes animals such as owls. So hunters and fisherman are supporting most of this with their dollars
I can't say I would be that excited to see them in those parts of ID. With the way wolf issues have gone I'm not sure we need another big issue like that. The bears are and have been doing very well in MT and the GYE and yet we are still not at state level management despite where the bears are population wise. I think management of them would also be very costly once they are established; lots of campers, rural communities, etc on the edges that I don't think would ever figure out how to live with bears and how to avoid conflict.
Actually, I couldn't find hardly anywhere it said WY pays for grizzly management out of GF dollars because that bill was dropped last spring. Right now the only thing funded by the GF thru G&F supports the aquatic invasive species program, wolf and sage grouse management, the veterinary services program, and the sensitive nongame species program that includes animals such as owls. So hunters and fisherman are supporting most of this with their dollars

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You are totally wrong and need to read the G&F website a lot closer because more than once the G&F budget clearly showed where the monies for wolf and grizzly management is coming from and it's out of the GF, not our license fees!!!

Have you ever tried not being a douche? Give it a go sometime.
They are bad ass animals. But not bad ass enough to enjoy at the expense of some of those declining elk units in Randy's red circle there.
More pics of the Root side. Lots of tough rough country in there.


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Randy11 and Shoots-straight - those are some awesome photos. You Bitterrooters are lucky to have that as your backyard.

“Ahead and to the west was our ranger station - and the mountains of Idaho, poems of geology stretching beyond any boundaries and seemingly even beyond the world.” - Norman Maclean
Somewhere is Utah, Don Peay and his minions are trying to figure out how to cash in on the reintroduction plan.
Randy11 and Shoots-straight - those are some awesome photos. You Bitterrooters are lucky to have that as your backyard.

“Ahead and to the west was our ranger station - and the mountains of Idaho, poems of geology stretching beyond any boundaries and seemingly even beyond the world.” - Norman Maclean

I've spent a life time in my 'backyard" and have barely covered a small percentage of it.
Just when our Elk have started recovering from Wolves, it's time to throw Grizzlies at at them, no thanks.

Another concern for me is that this is just one more avenue to make a criminal out of an outdoorsman. If I come across a Grizzly in the wild, I will shoot it no matter how it's acting or what direction it's headed. I have a wife and kids to come home to and so I will always play it safe in these cases, with wolves and lions too. Shooting an animal that's on the ESA, even in self defense, still seems like a potential investigation, lawsuit, and possibly criminal charges to me.
If I come across a Grizzly in the wild, I will shoot it no matter how it's acting or what direction it's headed. .

WTF? You complain about sportsmen being brought up on criminal charges if they shoot an animal on the ESA and then you write this.You should probably clarify.
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Another concern for me is that this is just one more avenue to make a criminal out of an outdoorsman. If I come across a Grizzly in the wild, I will shoot it no matter how it's acting or what direction it's headed.

Quite the paradox you've created there.
Have you ever tried not being a douche? Give it a go sometime.

Oak, IIRC, Director Talbott stated in a committee hearing, that about 15 millionish in license dollars had been spent on grizzly bear management in Wyoming since 1995.

That is what SF45 is supposed to take care of is the amount of license dollars that is still funding grizzly management. SF45 allows the GF to ASK for an appropriation to fund the balance of GB management.

Probably cant find that info on the GF website or a cdrom in Michigan...;)
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