

New member
Mar 25, 2002
Hey Fellas and ladies,

It's been awhile but I thought I would pop in and say hey. Some of you may remember me as Tanglefoot. Some of you may not know who the hell I am. But anyway thought I would do some catching up and say hey to ya'll.

Well Mooseman,

I have been pretty busy working and starting my new business. I attended a Dog Training school in Texas a few years ago and that is basically when I stopped hanging out on the hunting boards and moved over to the competitive retriever boards. I train my own dogs for Hunt Tests but plan on moving into Field Trials next year. My business focuses mainly on Obedience and Behavioral issues. (So any members with dog problems can seek free advice from me.) I still Big Game hunt but have restricted it mainly to bow hunting. I have really gotten into Water Fowl hunting. Any way, I still work in communications for a large Carrier Network but have moved from Helena, MT to Butte, MT. Soooo, that's what I been doing.

I have been reading up and see you been doing ok, if you consider owning 6 houses and not being able to buy a McDonald's cheeseburger without taking out a loan, OK. Just ribbing ya bro. Well I got lots more funny ass threads to read and tons of pictures to check out. I just got through with the Survival section and have to say that things are definetly alot different around here. With the exception of Greenie, nothings changed with that boy. Still a rudedog if I ever saw one.
Talk at ya later.
I may have to post to this thread 23 more times so I can get back into the Dirty Jokes section if that is ok. Ha ha.