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Random Thought


New member
Aug 6, 2002
How would you feel about taking a Big game tag from each Hunting District and auctioning it off and having it so that buyer was in the area first... coupla days/ a week.
How about auctioning all the tags for every area? Break them up into different times and everyone pays the same in each lot?

This would make sooooo much money for the programs.
I think that increasing the number of auction tags would do little but demean the auctions. The way it's run in Arizona right now, the tag owner is entitled to hunt from mid-August until the end of December, anywhere in the state. It's kind of a toss up between the auction tag and the lottery tag as to which one garners the most money. I think we're doing fine just the way it is...

Increase the supply and demand and price will drop. Using a few from each state meets the objective (raise needed funds) while not really excluding anyone.
I guess I'm saying -=== all the tgas went thru the auction. The only way to get a tag was at the auction.
Wouldn't the best tags...times/species/ areas bring the most money?
The tags with less demand would go for less.
Overall, this would bring in more money for the F&G programs.
Complete commercialization of wildlife. Those that can afford to pay the most get to hunt. I wouldn't be too keen on the idea. How many people would? Not many, I'll bet.

Lost, It will probably require legislation. Anyone can organize a few sportsmen to lobby for something like that idea, all ya gotta do is find a legislator to work with you on it. Why don't you give it a try and see how far you get? Might take a couple years. Good luck.
I don't know, I like the fact that I can buy one tag and do a lot of hunting almost any where I please, which is a lot of different areas. Having the tags in my pocket provide me with the excuse of running lots and lots of new areas every year and a good excuse to be in there in the first place...
So if you can't afford a lot of money, you get to hunt a crappy area with little chances of sucess or not at all. Let the rich do all the hunting and hunt the best areas? I think it would be a lousy way for the state to gain funds.
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