PEAX Equipment

Rabbit Foot


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2018
El Paso, TX
Ok, so I've been reading up on how to train my pup for rabbits. One of the things I see recommended a lot for the initial training is to get a rabbit foot and put it on a lead for him to chase around. The information I can't find is what needs to be done with the foot as far as preparation once I get it off the rabbit. Do I need to salt it, dry it in a certain way or anything like that? I don't want to end up with a stinky decaying dog toy. Attached you will find a gratuitous puppy pic.


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The best way to train a Beagle is to run him "train him" with other beagles that are experienced and good. He will catch on quickly.
Never trained a hunting dog myself, but planning on doing so hopefully next year. What I started doing last season and will continue this season is putting squirrel and coon parts in the freezer (hides, heads, and tails) and have a stock pile of training toys. Keep them outside while in use, put them back in the freezer maybe, and discard it when need to. Maybe you could get some domestic rabbits and do something similar?
I would think you should be able to find some scent and put it on a bumper and then pull it around, leaving a scent trail. Similar to how they train dogs for pheasants.
Training a beagle is different than training other dogs. Trust me find guys who have beagles in your area and run your dog with their dogs. 1 hour will equal 20 hours of solo training.
Thanks, that is what I was wondering. We were out walking the desert this morning before work and he got on something's scent hard. I want to start getting that pointed in the right direction. Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. I didn't even realize they made bottled scent. I'm still a noob to all this.
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