Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


Gunner, welcome to PM me for my cell #. Been there, so if you are ready to *Go Off* please call anybody who has been there. A non-smoker means well, but unless you have been there?? It comes down to just getting mad enough at yourself knowing others have done it before you.
Ever think about the $$$$ you would have in your pocket over a given year? New rifle to treat yourself with?
48 hrs in. Vision blurry, rapid pulse, sweaty, slight twitch in the outer extremities. Nobody is dead ....yet. Sure wish I hadn't give up drinking beer a couple months ago.
Good for you gunner. Keep it up. I will tell you that when i did quit for 3 months I felt so good physically that it was like I was brand new man. Unfortunatly when I started smoking again im struggling to kick the habit. But tomorrow is a brand new day.
48 hrs in. Vision blurry, rapid pulse, sweaty, slight twitch in the outer extremities. Nobody is dead ....yet. Sure wish I hadn't give up drinking beer a couple months ago.

All u have to do is get through the day, tell yourself one day at a time.
While in college I started smoking and did till I was 26.

I had someone give me advice on a sure fire way to quit and when I heard it I thought it was stupid and not serious but I found it was what I needed to lay them down forever.

What was it? Don't put a cigarette in your mouth

yep, that became my one singular focus and that one simple act made it possible for me to quit smoking.
All u have to do is get through the day, tell yourself one day at a time.

Listen to Dink. He did not know it at the rime but he inspired me to get off the dime and quit when he said how hard it would be. Dropped it cold and never back slid a few years ago.
72hrs. Vision in left eye almost gone. Two fingers on right hand locked in permanent cramp. Shirt soaked in sweat. Bumping into walls. Spilled half my morning coffee from the shakes. Kissed the dog and kicked the wife.

Sure wish I hadn't stopped toking the wacky a few months ago........
hang in there. know how hard it is. have gone from 2+ packs of non filters to less than one. and have the liquid nicotine deal to help. last pack will be opened tuesday? after that, liquid stuff. hoping to be done by the end of the year with that. 40 year habit about to be gone. and the savings is already starting to add up. at least $50.00 a week savings.
hang in there. know how hard it is. have gone from 2+ packs of non filters to less than one. and have the liquid nicotine deal to help. last pack will be opened tuesday? after that, liquid stuff. hoping to be done by the end of the year with that. 40 year habit about to be gone. and the savings is already starting to add up. at least $50.00 a week savings.

Did you not post up a baby pic recently? Nuff said.
96 hrs- Using Murphy as a seeing eye dog. (A lot of good that is doing) I think the paralysis in my right hand is going to be permanent. Only one seizure last night. They say the neighbor will probably recover, without too much after effect, from the attack. In-Laws have locked me in the basement. Something about being for my own good, whatever that means.

Now, where was it I hid that tube of glue????????
Day 5- I probably won't be able to post anymore progress reports. Too weak from all the seizures, can't breath, the paralysis has extended all the way up my arm, so I can only type left handed and I have to constantly correct Murphy as he tries to help me find the keys. (he can't tell the difference between a 'b' or a 'd', or a 'O' form a 'Q', dumb dog). The white jacket they make me wear makes me type behind my back too.

Good news is the neighbor was released from ICU this morning and isn't going to sue.

Sure picked a Hellava time to quit the Oxies didn't I ?
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It's been... what...3 months now?

Glad to say that it's been a cig free 3 months !

I tried the patch, the gum, candy, hypnosis, and a dozen other crappy methods. The only thing that got me off the cig's was the E-cig (or properly 'vapor'). Yeah, I'm hitting that thing instead of a cig, but I'm only getting the nicotine now and not all the other garbage.

Since, I have met several other people that went 100% smoke free using vapor and just worked their down in the strength of the 'juice'. So, I'm getting there. May take me another couple of months, but I'm killing a 40 yr habit, and this is working. Not gonna mess with success
Caribou Gear

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