Caribou Gear

Quick & Easy Camp Chili


New member
Apr 14, 2006
Glendale, Az
here's a quick & easy camp chili I make up on hunts/scouts.

1/2 to 1 lb meat chunks, burger or my chorizo - depends on whether making for 2 or 4 people
1 can black beans - leave out 1 can of beans for 2 people, your choice which ones
1 can kidney beans
1 can Rotel chili fixins
1 onion diced
2 to 4 cloves garlic diced
2 to 4 fresh jalapeno's diced
1 can beer

Braise the meat w/onions, garlic & peppers, dump in the cans of beans & fixings and simmer slowly with the lid off. As the moisture starts to evaporate dump in a little beer. Usually my partner and I make this up the day before the season opens and talk about how big an animal we are going to get the next morning. If we make the 4 person size batch we have it for supper that night and lunch the next day. Stop at camp to water up, warm up the chili and slam it down then back out to the boonies. If you bake up a batch of cornbread to go with it your belly will be happy with you.
Thanks AZSlim,
This one sounds real good too.
I've got to get busy, busy, busy for sure. Trying to get loaded up with all kinds of recipes for the Fall and Winter Months that's just around the corner. Keep them recipes a coming and thanks again for sharing :)